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2020-04-02T17:34:56-05:00 https://msgundamgates.com/app.php/feed/topic/14 2020-04-02T17:34:56-05:002020-04-02T17:34:56-05:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=14&p=8596#p8596 <![CDATA[Re: Testing Thread Featuring Fresh OC (Do Not Steal)]]> Стру355.8ReprBettСпилДугиSusaBriaЮаньмульСипаФокиоднаSomeShirАльтHerbспецAriaCoraдурахоросочи

Statistics:Posted by voodoc2 — Thu Apr 02, 2020 6:34 pm

2018-08-09T13:13:05-05:002018-08-09T13:13:05-05:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=14&p=594#p594 <![CDATA[Re: Testing Thread Featuring Fresh OC (Do Not Steal)]]> [b]Age:[/b] 22
[b]Race:[/b] Advanced Newtype
[b]Other Information:[/b]
- autodidact
- coarse shoulder-length brown hair
- 5'6
- wears a cloak, possibly ironically, but it's hard to say
- adorned in jewlery: several necklaces, left arm loaded with bracelets, laurel wreath crown
- communicates primarily through exagerrated facial expressions
- as a psychologically-typed microfacist/megalomaniac, she avoids excessive speaking
- obsessed with excellence and virtue

Statistics:Posted by Cream — Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:13 pm

2018-02-12T14:02:05-05:002018-02-12T14:02:05-05:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=14&p=254#p254 <![CDATA[Re: Testing Thread Featuring Fresh OC (Do Not Steal)]]>
Background and Goals:

The primary goal of CSIS is to establish a secured boundary of influence that is self-sustaining and technologically advanced.

CSIS was established as a reaction to the peripheral location of its member cities relative to the Union's centers of power. Rather than integrate themselves into a governing body on which they existed at the furthest reaches of geographically, the two founding city-states judged that their interests would be better served by sovereign governance. The groundwork for the development of an organized rulership was established by various independently operating sectors of industry. Referred to as syndicates, they are associations which focus their labour capital on specialized niches which then exchange their resources for other valuable materials.

CSIS was originally the design of two city-states, Mumbai and Colombo: the former had managed to acquire advanced military technology for self-defense, while the latter had established itself as a regional giant in food production. Two more city-states were brought into the fold: New Delhi and Bangalore, which provided resource syndicates (raw materials, refined materials, etc) and civilian technology syndicates (medicine, telecom, etc). CSIS expands its sphere of influence by incorporating nearby city-states, smaller cities or even outlying towns. These new acquisitions either bring new syndicates which provide required goods or services, or have their labour capital integrated into an existing syndicate.

Power Structure:

Decisions are made via a process of privileged democracy. All syndicates are given votes when deciding on measures taken, although more votes are allocated on the basis of proximity to a situation, the degree of impact on specific syndicates, and degrees of investment. Individual syndicates have administrative and legislative autonomy within their boundaries.

The syndicates are roughly divided along the following lines, although there is overlap and heterogeneity:

Self-Defense Syndicate
Manufacturing Syndicate (incl. Karachi, Kanpur)

Food Production Syndicate (incl. Chennai)

New Delhi:
Resource Acquisition Syndicate (incl. Karachi)
Resource Refinement Syndicate
Operations Syndicate

Communications Syndicate
Civilian Services Syndicate
Civilian Technology Syndicate

Territory and Population:
- Major population centers include Mumbai, Colombo, New Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kanpur, Karachi.
- Smaller cities and outlying towns are included; CSIS maintains effective control of the surrounding territory in-between urban centers, although it's influence is not ironclad: elements of banditry exist throughout the territory.
- The population is estimated at 4-5 million, although an official census has not been administered in recent years.

Statistics:Posted by Cream — Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:02 pm

2018-02-03T11:29:00-05:002018-02-03T11:29:00-05:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=14&p=106#p106 <![CDATA[Re: Testing Thread Featuring Fresh OC (Do Not Steal)]]>

[b]Model Number:[/b] LM314V21
[b]Code Name:[/b] Victory 2 Gundam
[b]Unit Type:[/b] prototype transformable general-purpose mobile suit
[b]Manufacturer:[/b] Space Frontier Republic
[b]Operator:[/b] Levi Frost
[b]Accommodation:[/b] pilot in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso with Core Block System using Core Fighter
[b]Dimensions:[/b] mobile suit mode: head height 15.5 meters; Core Fighter: overall length 17.5 meters; Top Fighter with Core Fighter: overall length 17.5 meters; Bottom Fighter with Core Fighter: overall length 21.2 meters
[b]Weight:[/b] mobile suit mode: empty 11.5 metric tons, max gross 15.9 metric tons; 23.1 metric tons with full loadout
[b]Construction:[/b] Gundarium alloy super ceramic composite; additional anti-beam-coated external armor plates, ejectable
[b]Powerplant:[/b] Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 7510 kW
[b]Propulsion:[/b] 66790 kg total (Minovsky drive thrusters: 2 x 16700 kg; rocket thrusters: 7 x 4770 kg); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 46
[b]Performance:[/b] ~17-20G depending on equipment loadout
[b]Equipment and Design Features:[/b]
- Core Block system
- M-Drive
- 10 x hardpoints
- targetting sensor
- Assualt/Buster equipment
- 2 x I-Field generator, in shoulder armour plates
[b]Fixed Armaments:[/b]
- 2 x vulcan, fire-linked, mounted in head
- 4 x beam saber, stored in forearms
- 2 x beam shield, mounted on elbows
- many x laser mine, stored in skirt armour
[b]Optional Fixed Armaments:[/b]
- 1 x mega beam cannon, mounted on shoulder
- 1 x beam spray pod, mounted on shoulder
- 2 x VSBR, mounted on hips
- 6 x micromissile pod, mounted on legs and skirt armour
- 2 x shoulder armour plates, 2 x knee armour plates, 1 x skirt armour plate
[b]Optional Hand Armament:[/b]
- 1 x beam rifle, stores 1 x beam pistol, stores 1 x grenade or 1 x multi-launcher
- 1 x beam bazooka
- 1 x mega beam rifle
- 1 x mega beam shield

[b]Technical and Historical Notes:[/b]

[b]Model Number:[/b] LM312V04+SD-VB03A
[b]Code Name:[/b] Victory Gundam/V-Dash Gundam
[b]Unit Type:[/b] prototype close-combat transformable mobile suit
[b]Manufacturer:[/b] Frontier Commonwealth
[b]Operator:[/b] Gavin Frost; [i]Aion[/i] crew
[b]Accommodation:[/b] pilot in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso with Core Block System using Core Fighter
[b]Dimensions:[/b] mobile suit mode: head height 15.2 meters; Core Fighter: overall length 8.6 meters; Top Fighter with Core Fighter: overall length 11.8 meters; Bottom Fighter with Core Fighter: overall length 16.8 meters
[b]Weight:[/b] mobile suit mode: empty 7.6 metric tons, max gross 17.7 metric tons; max gross 20.8 metric tons with Dash configuration
[b]Construction:[/b] Gundarium alloy super ceramic composite
[b]Powerplant:[/b] Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 4780 kW
[b]Propulsion:[/b] 79700 kg total (6 x 7390 kg (all operable in mobile suit mode, 2 operable in Core Fighter, 2 operable in Top Fighter, 2 operable in Bottom Fighter), 8 x 4420 kg (all operable in mobile suit mode and in Bottom Fighter)); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 34; rocket thrusters: 93380 kg total (2 x 29010 kg (all operable in mobile suit mode and on Core Fighter/Overhang Pack), 8 x 4420 kg (operable in mobile suit mode only)); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 36
[b]Performance:[/b] 4.5G; 4.49G in Dash configuration
[b]Equipment and Design Features:[/b]
- Core Block system
- M-Flight
- 8 x hardpoint, 12 in Dash configuration
- Dash Configuration
[b]Fixed Armaments:[/b]
- 2 x vulcan, fire-linked, mounted in head
- 4 x beam saber, stored in forearms
- 2 x beam shield, mounted on elbows
[b]Optional Fixed Armaments:[/b]
- 2 x Overhang beam cannon
[b]Optional Hand Armament:[/b]
- 2 x beam rifle, stores 1 x beam pistol, stores 1 x grenade or 1 x multi-launcher
- 1 x beam bazooka
- 1 x beam smart gun
- 1 x beam trident

[b]Technical and Historical Notes:[/b]

[b]Class:[/b] Polis
[b]Name: [/b] Aion
[b]Unit Type: [/b] What the ship's purpose is
[b]Manufacturer:[/b] CSIS Aerospace Industries
[b]Operator:[/b] Gavin Frost, Levi Frost
[b]Propulsion: [/b]
[b]Fixed Armaments:[/b]
[b]Launch Catapults:[/b] 2
[b]Equipment and Design Features:[/b]
- M-Craft

[b]Technical and Historical Notes:[/b]


[b]Model Number:[/b] F91
[b]Code Name:[/b] Gundam F91
[b]Unit Type:[/b] prototype general purpose mobile suit
[b]Manufacturer:[/b] Frontier Commonwealth
[b]Operator:[/b] Stacy Gleason
[b]Accommodation:[/b] pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
[b]Dimensions:[/b] head height 15.2 meters
[b]Weight:[/b] empty 7.8 metric tons; max gross 19.9 metric tons
[b]Construction:[/b] Gundarium alloy ceramic composite
[b]Powerplant:[/b] Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 4250 kW
[b]Propulsion:[/b] rocket thrusters: 88450 kg total (4 x 15530 kg, 6 x 4380 kg); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: bare mobile suit 51, equipped with VSBRs: 59
[b]Performance:[/b] 4.44G
[b]Equipment and Design Features:[/b]
- Bio-Computer
- heat radiation fins
- weapons mount, on rear skirt armour
[b]Fixed Armaments:[/b]
- 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head
- 2 x mega machine cannon, fire-linked, mounted in torso
- 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in left hip armor
- 2 x VSBR, mounted on backpack
- 1 x beam shield, mounted on left forearm
- 1 x stored on right hip armor
[b]Optional Hand Armament:[/b]
- 1 x beam rifle, powered by replaceable e-pac
- 1 x beam launcher, powered by replaceable e-pac

[b]Technical and Historical Notes:[/b]

[b]Model Number:[/b] ZGMF-YX21R+X11A
[b]Code Name:[/b] Proto-Saviour/Proto-Saviour+11
[b]Unit Type:[/b] prototype attack use transformable mobile suit
[b]Manufacturer:[/b] Frontier Commonwealth
[b]Operator:[/b] Stacy Gleason
[b]Accommodation:[/b] pilot only, standard cockpit in torso
[b]Dimensions:[/b] head height 18.61 m
[b]Weight:[/b] base weight 77.13 metric tons
[b]Construction:[/b] Variable Phase Shift armour
[b]Powerplant:[/b] ultracompact energy battery; ultra compact nuclear fission reactor with +11 configuration
[b]Propulsion:[/b] unlisted
[b]Performance:[/b] ~5G in mobile suit mode, ~7G in mobile armour mode
[b]Equipment and Design Features:[/b]
- Neutron Jammer Canceler
- Quantum Computer Virus Transmission System
- mobile rmour mode
- +11 configuration
[b]Fixed Armaments:[/b]
- 2 x MMI-GAU25A 20mm multi-barrel CIWS, mounted in head
- 2 x M106 "Amfortas" plasma beam cannon, mounted on backpack
- 2 x MA-7B "Super Fortis" beam cannon, mounted on "Amfortas" plsma beam cannons
- 2 x MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm machine gun, mounted on backpack, operable only in mobile armour mode
- 2 x MA-M941 "Vajra" beam saber, stored in shoulders
[b]Optional Hand Armament:[/b]
- MA-BAR70 high-energy beam rifle
- MMI-RD11 aerodynamic shield

[b]Technical and Historical Notes:[/b]

[b]Model Number:[/b] NMS-X07PO
[b]Code Name:[/b] Gel Finieto
[b]Unit Type:[/b] prototype electronic warfare mobile suit
[b]Manufacturer:[/b] Kyana Vexnal
[b]Operator:[/b] Stacy Gleason
[b]Accommodation:[/b] single pilot, standard cockpit in torso
[b]Dimensions:[/b] head height ~18 meters
[b]Weight:[/b] base weight ~70 tons
[b]Construction:[/b] steel armour
[b]Powerplant:[/b] ultracompact energy battery
[b]Propulsion:[/b] unlisted
[b]Performance:[/b] ~1G
[b]Equipment and Design Features:[/b]
- 6 x "Bacillus Weapon System" Binder

[b]Technical and Historical Notes:[/b]

Statistics:Posted by Cream — Sat Feb 03, 2018 11:29 am

2018-01-24T20:24:20-05:002018-01-24T20:24:20-05:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=14&p=61#p61 <![CDATA[Re: Testing Thread Featuring Fresh OC (Do Not Steal)]]> https://i.imgur.com/7pp8s2i.png[/img][/td]
[td][size=150][b]Levi Frost[/b][/size]
[b]Age:[/b] 24
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] January 15th, -1 UE (SE)
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Species:[/b] Newtype
[b]Hair:[/b] Black
[b]Eye Color:[/b] Green
[b]Height:[/b] 5'11
[b]Affiliations:[/b] Indepedent; El Muerte
[b]Profession:[/b] Vigilante; wanted criminal
[b]Residence:[/b] Cuba

[i]“Well, really, there’s strength in numbers,” Levi said, thinking of the first vapid but agreeable thing he could manage to say.[/i]

[*]A frail constitution characterizes Levi’s appearance: his skin is pale to the point of sickliness and comes with an aversion to sunlight. Thanks to a fast metabolism, he has the appearance of being in shape, although he appears more skinny than healthy, and a lack of regular exercise has left his body with but a small amount of muscle mass. His black hair is straight, almost silky, and kept somewhat long, to about chin length.
[*]Levi dresses nicely, usually wearing a dress shirt, dress pants, and a jacket, left unbuttoned, which often matches the colour of his pants. Sometimes he will wear glasses for aesthetic reasons, and if exposed to the sun for a length of time, will opt for a pair of sunglasses to accommodate his aversion to UV rays.

[size=120][b]Personal Information:[/b][/size]
[*]A consummate idealist, Levi struggles with finding ways to better the world around him, something he considers to be the only worthwhile goal in life. As an introvert, he does not talk more than what is deemed necessary and would rather dwell in mutual silence with those around him than banter endlessly. He has a lighthearted personality but is generally overly serious regarding anything he deems to be high stakes. Levi has a strong sense of justice but has great trouble accounting for what justice might look like in the post-Cataclysm world order.
[*]Without many hobbies, the young man spends most of his free time studying or learning about the politics of whatever environment he is in. He revels in cultural exposure and dreams of travelling the solar system in its entirety.
[*]Levi has been aware of his Newtype abilities for most of his life, and they have saved him on more than one occasion. His psychowaves extend over particularly long distances, allowing him to communicate with and detect other Newtypes quite far away he frequently grows sick in the presence of other Newtypes. Levi has shown signs of being able to communicate with embodied abstract entities like the spirit of the Earth itself, although such an experience usually causes him to lose consciousness for a period.

Born to two former Black Guard officers, it was clear from birth that Levi had inherited his father’s Newtype abilities. The family had settled in the colonies before Levi was born, where they lived far removed from the turmoil of the pre-Cataclysm Solar Era. Levi’s father Gavin, all too familiar with the mysterious relationship between Newtypes and war, wanted to deny any possibility of exposure to conflict for his son. They moved to Earth, a far-removed remote area, away from the prying attention of governments. A few quiet months passed until the Cataclysm struck.

Living isolated from civilization had some benefits in the wake of the great disaster: the Frost family was already used to living in a low-technology environment, and they escaped the influence of the more dangerous human elements. It was clear, to both Gavin and infant Levi that something had happened: their Newtype sensibilities had been disturbed, and a general sense of danger had become a pervasive presence. Gavin left to try and shed some light on what had transpired, and Levi and his mother managed to escape into the more stabilized colonies.

Levi’s memories began roughly around the time he began living in Space, and the rise of the Frontier Commonwealth had inspired a lifelong sense of nationalistic pride within the young man. The stability government afforded was welcome by most, and it effected a respect for authority in the growing boy. His mother would frequently recount stories of Solar Era conflicts, which was enough to inspire a distaste for war within Levi.

Levi enrolled in the Commonwealth military at the youngest possible age: despite his father’s efforts, the young Newtype had managed to find his way into the war machine. Levi, who had always been aware of his Newtype abilities, was open with his superiors about that fact, and after testing had confirmed it, Levi was quickly ferried down the path of becoming a mobile suit pilot. It took some time before Levi came into his own when it came to flying mobile suits, but eventually, he managed to distinguish himself from the other soldiers. He was assigned to the newly discovered V2 Gundam at the age of 21, and stationed on the Black Viking.

Levi had seen little action until being chosen to lead a covert raid on the Italian mass driver. The raid was ultimately a failure, and the ship had to struggle for several weeks before managing to escape Earth. Levi, as the squad leader, had been assigned to take most of the blame and returned to Side 4 to be met with ridicule, and a demotion. Around that same time, Levi was alerted to the fact that his father had been taken prisoner by CESTUS officials; Levi did not know this himself, however Gavin’s imprisonment was due to a personal vendetta against him by none other than Lance Screamer himself.

Levi managed to come up with a plan to break his father out of prison and escape: the plan was successful, and the two made off with a newly commissioned battleship, in addition to the V2. They had been supported by some soldiers who had offered their services after being afforded a bribe, to make use of Gavin’s ill-got fortune. The wayward ship travelled through the asteroid belt and shoal zones for some time, surviving by raiding pirates and other vagabonds. Eventually the ship took off toward Earth, where the crew figured it would be slightly easier to get by, with resources being more abundant, and a generally laxer vagrancy policy.

Levi had remained unaware of Gavin’s intentions, or the story behind why he had been put into prison- the two had grown somewhat distance because of their separation. Once they reached Earth, Levi separated from the ship, and spent some time travelling across the planet, using the V2 and assisted by some of his father’s funds. Levi had settled in Africa for some time and enrolled in advanced education, although his plans did not last for too long. He eventually met one Verus Cruz (for the second time, they had met before once as enemies), and contrived to establish a group dedicated to achieving greater stability in the world. They recruited Victoria Takemura, and began to consolidate their forces and plan to rid the world of criminal elements. They settled on Cuba as their base of operation.

Levi eventually rendezvoused with his father, who had sold the ship they’d commandeered: it was replaced with a smaller ship that would be unrecognizable to any Commonwealth soldiers searching for the pair on Earth. The father-son pair now resides in Cuba, along with Levi’s allies.

[*]Stacy Gleason - Former squadmate, old friend
[*]Verus Cruz - Collaborator
[*]Victoria Takemura- Collaborator
[td][b]Personal Holdings:[/b]
[*]V2 Gundam
[*]2 x Victory Gundam
[*]Polis class [i]Aion[/i]
[td][center][b]Primary Mobile Suit:[/b][/center]
[center][image]~Suit Image (We can put this in for you)~~[/image][/center]
[center]V2 Gundam[/center][/td][/tr][/table]

[size=120][b]Combat Style:[/b] [i]Point-blank[/i][/size]
Levi is an excellent team player and prefers to fight in the company of others rather than on his own. He tends to over-rely on the V2’s abilities but has shown to be an able pilot even without it. Levi will usually fight extremely defensively until he has a grasp of his enemy’s capabilities, at which point he will close the distance. He prefers using ranged weapons in close quarters and will take full advantage of the V2’s abilities to out-speed and out-manoeuvre an enemy until he is able to end the engagement with a perfectly timed close-range shot.

Statistics:Posted by Cream — Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:24 pm

2018-02-14T12:10:17-05:002018-01-24T20:24:01-05:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=14&p=60#p60 <![CDATA[Re: Testing Thread Featuring Fresh OC (Do Not Steal)]]> https://i.imgur.com/mK6oJS5.png[/img][/td]
[td][size=150][b]Stacy Gleason[/b][/size]
[b]Age:[/b] 22
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] January 4th, UE 1
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Species:[/b] Coordinator
[b]Hair:[/b] Light pink
[b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue
[b]Height:[/b] 5'10
[b]Affiliations:[/b] Frontier Commonwealth
[b]Profession:[/b] Mobile suit pilot, test pilot, covert intelligence agent
[b]Residence:[/b] Side 4; Freeden II [i]Chimera[/i]

[i]"Newtypes are one thing, but disembodied voices? That's just psychotic."[/i]

[*]Stacy's body is best described as spindly: her legs and arms are somewhat elongated. Genetic modification has endowed her with a symmetrical face and virtually flawless skin, as well as modified light-pink hair. Her eyes are a bright blue, and she meticulously grooms her eyebrows and eyelashes. Her musculature is quite toned as a result of regular physical activity, in addition to genetic modification. Her bust size is modest; Stacy's wide hips are generally considered her most attractive feature.
[*]Her civilian clothing is modest, as she prefers practicality to high fashion. She is a sharp dresser nonetheless and usually has little trouble coordinating outfits and accessorizing. She usually keeps her hair up at the sides, only letting it down and taking out her favourite ribbons when she is dressing for formal events.

[size=120][b]Personal Information:[/b][/size]
[*]Stacy's personality is generally extroverted, although much of her confidence is little more than an air she puts on. Her friends are important, and her military career is a close second. She is fiercely loyal to the Commonwealth, even to the extent of tolerating its draconian rulership under Lance Screamer, and values the idea of colonial stability and independence from Earth highly. She very much wants to see a unified colonial power, however, given her preference for independence from Earth, she is not opposed to the idea of individual colonies governing themselves either.
[*]Stacy remains single because she is generally onboard the Freeden II, and spends very little time at her actual residence at Side 4. She learned to play drums at an early age and plays from time to time when she can. After meeting Isaac Gaius on Archeon, she began to develop computer programming skills and has been advancing her proficiency ever since; being assigned to the Gel Finieto and Proto-Saviour has accelerated her programming capacities, thanks to messing around with the open type quantum computers.
[*]Stacy's Coordinator abilities are relatively unextraordinary compared to other examples of genetic engineering. She posses basic immunity to illness and disease; has various cosmetic modifications; learns things and deduces patterns or anomalies with relative ease; boasts impressive physical ability and, has enhanced cognitive awareness of her surroundings. She often forgets that not everyone is a Coordinator, and can get frustrated when others have a harder time than her. Stacy is also very jealous of Newtypes.

Stacy was born into a wealthy family that had managed to avoid most of the turmoil associated with the Cataclysm. As a Side 4 native, Stacy’s allegiance to colonial life was imprinted at an early age and wavered little as she grew older. She is the oldest of three, all born as genetically enhanced Coordinators. Both parents were fairly involved in their children’s lives, often overscheduling extracurriculars and social events.

Stacy did well in school but struggled to stay motivated; her parent’s plans were to send all their children to advanced education. For the three Gleason children who seemed to absorb knowledge faster than their teachers could inculcate it, continuing the process seemed trivial. Stacy, as the first to graduate, set an example for her siblings that they would eventually take after. She enrolled in the military after completing requisite schooling (rather than leave school to enlist at the earliest possible age, an agreement she’d made with her parents).

It was not until Stacy was exposed to the world of military hardware that she would begin to thirst for knowing how to repair and maintain, how to improve and engineer. To further that end, she enrolled in advanced military education, as an engineer. She completed the three-year program in a year and a half, graduating with honours and a newly acquired officer status.

Flying a mobile suit had been her second choice of career, her first being a mechanic, although it was difficult to turn down the distinguished role of test pilot that had been offered. Stacy remained blissfully unaware that her success and rapid advancement was owed in part to her genetic modifications, something her comrades did their best to refrain from being jealous about. After some time as a test pilot, she given the additional role of combat pilot, as well as the more secretive job of intelligence agent. Such success made her embrace life in the military, and she began to take her career quite seriously.

Stacy had been chosen to go to Earth to take part in the raid on the Italian mass driver, and though she fought to be given command of the operation, it ultimately went to one Levi Frost. Fortunately, the blame for the failed operation was not to be placed on her. She also spent some time at Archeon working to solve a computer-related mystery, along with Isaac Gaius. It was at that point that she began to develop an interest in the software aspect of mobile suits and other technologies.

Stacy is currently assigned to the Freeden II class [i]Chimera[/i], which takes on an anti-piracy patrol role.

[*]Levi Frost - Former squadmate, old friend
[*]Isaac Gaius - Friend
[*]Verus Cruz - Friend
[td][b]Personal Holdings:[/b]
[*]Gundam F91
[td][center][b]Primary Mobile Suit:[/b][/center]
[center][image]~Suit Image (We can put this in for you)~~[/image][/center]
[center]Gundam F91[/center][/td][/tr][/table]

[size=120][b]Combat Style:[/b] [i]Dazzling[/i][/size]
There is a marked aesthetic dimension to Stacy’s proficiency in flying and combat. Fantastical maneuvers and inspiring acrobatics come quite naturally to her, and it would be no stretch to say that she focuses as much on looking good as she does on winning a fight. Her philosophy is that a pilot need only look intimidating, and any actual ability to overcome an opponent at the level of skill is merely secondary. Stacy will attempt to overwhelm her enemies by attacking from multiple angles in quick succession, forcing her mark into a maximally compromising position before striking a finishing blow. She excels in zero-g terrain, though on Earth, where she has much less training, her potential lags. She is more likely to win fights on her own- even if numbers are against her- over situations where she must rely on teammates, as she is not particularly strong at giving or following directions. She often expects her squamates to pilot at the same level as her, which can lead to frustration and disappointment.

Statistics:Posted by Cream — Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:24 pm

2018-01-24T20:21:39-05:002018-01-24T20:21:39-05:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=14&p=59#p59 <![CDATA[Testing Thread Featuring Fresh OC (Do Not Steal)]]>

Statistics:Posted by Cream — Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:21 pm
