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2020-04-02T18:37:25-04:00 https://msgundamgates.com/app.php/feed/topic/19 2020-04-02T18:37:25-04:002020-04-02T18:37:25-04:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=19&p=8597#p8597 <![CDATA[Re: Quack]]> чест357.7ReprBettМандTimoВолкJackRaymProlБилиБремBonuLoveЧервЛейчIrinАбдуVirgJackдура1950осно

Statistics:Posted by voodoc2 — Thu Apr 02, 2020 6:37 pm

2018-02-12T00:41:15-04:002018-02-12T00:41:15-04:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=19&p=237#p237 <![CDATA[Re: Quack]]> ImageRicard Outridge
Age: 35
Date of Birth: 4/11
Gender: Male
Species: Oldtype
Hair: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6'2"
Affiliations: Frontier Commonwealth
Profession: Commander
Residence: Odysseus

~~Character Quote goes here~~

  • Ricard is in good shape and labors to stay that way despite having spent the majority of his life in zero gravity. He views his fitness to be as important a symbol as his uniform rather than any notable desire for strength.
  • The Odysseus' captain also keeps his hair, goatee, and mustache precisely trimmed to maintain the professional appearance he was known for even before joining the Commonwealth
  • While Ricard has swapped the medals of his former mercenary outfit for Commonwealth awards, he has kept the black and red uniform he wore as a member of the Privateers. In keeping with his sensibilities, the dress uniform he wears while not on board his ship is precisely tailored and constantly laundered to keep it spotless.
  • A fondness for cigars has made the faint scent of cedar and spices a noticeable smell when in close proximity to Ricard.

Personal Information:
  • Ricard was trained in a specific style of command while serving with the Privateers. Naval courtesies and customs that almost seem outdated are the bread and butter of life aboard his ship despite having been adjusted for modern times. A large part of this is how Ricard conducts himself and he is strives to be polite and professional to those he meets in any official capacity.
  • The Odysseus' captain expects the same professionalism from his crew but he cares for his men with an almost single-minded intensity as a result. While never shirking away from the need to send them into combat for the Commonwealth, Ricard strives to avoid casually spending the lives of his subordinates. His men are as much family to him as his biological lineage and he treats them as such when duty does not interfere.
  • Ricard's stoic mask only slips when dealing with pirates and, to a lesser extent, criminals. He deals with those types of scum ruthlessly and without any of his typical levelheadedness or mercy.

Captain Ricard Outridge always enjoyed space travel. His family ran a small shipping operation, contracted by a larger mining corporation, and he spent as much time as he could aboard one transport or another. This interest was increased as the boy developed a love of fiction novels set on the high seas of the seventeenth and eighteenth century. His parents cultivated their son's fascination with ships of all kinds with the hope that he would take over their company, unaware that their acceptance would lead him in an entirely different direction. Pirate activity increased dramatically in the years after the cataclysm and the Outridge Supply business was in danger of going bankrupt, leaving his family penniless in an increasingly hostile world. The young man had made a name for himself as a remarkably skilled pilot, both in a ship and in the civilian mobile suits the company used for maintenance, and he turned his youthful energy and sharp mind towards "saving" his family.

Ricard signed on with a mercenary ship who had accepted the contract put out on a local band of pirates. Eager to prove himself, the young man's skills placed him at the head of a squadron of mobile suits. He commanded his four-man team during the sortie against the pirates admirably, but youthful overconfidence saw all but one of the men under his command killed and Ricard himself placed in the ship's infirmary for several weeks. When he was given a clean bill of health, Ricard returned to his family. The man's visit was brief and he faced his disappointed parents with the weight of three lives on his shoulders. A sense of honor and duty bred by years of stories and youthful ideals compelled him to stay with the mercenaries and repay the deceased. This started an almost meteoric rise through the mercenary ranks.

Twelve years later, Ricard Outridge was the Executive Officer on board a newly built ship bought with five years worth of pay. The Odysseus was a sleek warship designed to do what the Privateers had always done: hunt pirates. After the christening, Ricard returned to his quarters to find a message waiting for him. An urgent plea from his family had reached the ship, delayed by distance and faulty relay stations. Outridge Supply had taken a large contract to assist a "newly formed colony." His parents had accompanied the first shipment as a sign of respect for their new, wealthy, client. The message they had sent was a distress call, an SOS sent across thousands of miles. The Outridge Supply fleet had come under attack by an unknown force and the Outridges called out to the first person they thought of: their son.

Ricard beseeched his commanding officer to go after the convoy. After an agonizingly long day he agreed and the Privateers sped towards the belt with all haste, guided by their executive officer. The Odysseus never reached the Belt. A pirate coalition, formed in the wake of the Privateer's success, had formed in the void of space with the sole purpose of reassuming superiority in their small corner of the galaxy. The following campaign would last years and see the Privateers both victorious and savagely mauled by their enemies. The captain of Odysseus and leader of the mercenaries died halfway through the conflict and the Executive Officer stepped up to command the battleship. Ricard was 32 and had finally confirmed what he had been fearing since the miniature war began: his parents hadn't survived. They had been the bait used to get the Odysseus where the pirated wanted her.

The newly promoted Captain fought his ship and single mobile suit contingent with a fury the Privateers had never seen before. A series of increasingly risky and aggressive actions over the course of three years saw the Privateers destroy their enemies. The Odysseus emerged broken, barely held together by whatever field repairs the skeleton crew had been able to come up with, and dangerously low on supplies. Her captain turned his ship back towards inhabited space with the hope that his battered ship would make it that far.

    Personal Holdings:
    • Girty Lue Class Odysseus
    • 1x MSN-001A1 Delta Plus
    • 3x RGZ-95C ReZel Commander
    • 9x RGZ-95 ReZel
    • 12x ReZel Defensor A & B parts
    Primary Mobile Suit:
    Delta Plus

    Combat Style: Blitzkreig
    Ricard has spent his entire adult life hunting pirates and his personal combat style was formed from these lightning strikes utilized by the Privateers. He favors a rapid and overwhelming initial assault followed by hit and run attacks from all angles with supporting units
    Info Goes Here

    Statistics:Posted by MightyDuck — Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:41 pm

    2018-02-12T01:00:38-04:002018-01-30T22:18:44-04:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=19&p=87#p87 <![CDATA[Quack]]> Image
    Model number(s): MDF-01
    Code name: Crater
    Unit type: Base Defense & Heavy Assault
    Operator: Kayla Emregan
    First deployment:
    Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
    Dimensions: head height 25 meters
    Weight: empty: 50 metric tons, full: 90 metric tons, w/ 680mm cannon: 120 tons
    Armor materials: Luna Titanium, Chobham Armor
    Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 8000 kW
    Propulsion: rocket thrusters: "Ground effect" hover thrusters, 74000kg total
    Performance: .82G, .61 w/ Xamel Cannon

    Equipment and design features: sensors, range 9500 meters; Chobham Armor, Storage Container, Multipurpose weapon mount on left shoulder

    Fixed armaments: 1x High Mega Cannon,mounted on right arm. 2x grenade launchers mounted in waist. 1x 4-tube missile launcher, mounted on left shoulder. 2x Beam Saber / Beam Guns, stored in shoulders.

    Optional fixed armaments: 1x large missile, mounted on right arm. 1x 680mm Xamel Cannon, mounted on modular mount on left shoulder. 1x 200mm 'mega' gatling cannon, mounted on modular mount on left shoulder. 1x 360mm Bazooka (Normal, Scattershot), mounted on modular weapon mount. 3x Large Missiles, mounted on modular mount on left shoulder. 1x Pile Bunker, mounted on left forearm.

    Optional hand armaments: 1x Beam Rifle, hand carried. 5x Hand Grenades (High Explosive, Armor Piercing, Chaff, Smoke) mounted on rear skirt armor. 2x Chain Mines, stored in Storage Compartment. 1x Collapsable Beam Shotgun, stored in Storage Compartment.

    Technical and Historical Notes

    Chobham Armor - Heavy armor plates grafted to the mobile suit. Where typical Chobham armor is meant to be grafted to a mobile suit for additional protection and be purged, the Crater's chobham armor is unable to be purged and has been built as the main armor for the unit. Designed to withstand extreme punishment while the Crater is in combat, the weight of the armor makes it a veritable behemoth.

    Modular Weapon Mount - The weapon mount on the Crater's left shoulder is designed to be modular and mount a variety of different equipment. Four separate weapons were designed for the suit's initial fielding but the intent was to give Kayla the ability to design additional weapons over time. The most notable weapon is a 680mm 'Xamel' cannon, the only weapon that the unit has to stop moving to fire effectively. Each weapon can be purged from the unit in the field or swapped out relatively quickly in any traditional hangar.

    Storage Compartment - The large compartment attached to the unit's waist serves two purposes. The rear section contains the ammo used by the modular mount's ballistic weaponry while the front section is used to store even more optional equipment. A pair of subarms inside the compartment deliver equipment to the Crater's hands while an optional third arm in the rear of the compartment serves to reload the 360mm bazooka when in use.

    Statistics:Posted by MightyDuck — Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:18 pm
