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2020-04-02T18:52:25-04:00 https://msgundamgates.com/app.php/feed/topic/5 2020-04-02T18:52:25-04:002020-04-02T18:52:25-04:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=5&p=8603#p8603 <![CDATA[Re: Test Sheets]]> «Бед360.1ThesBettЛекцМедвФлотфилоJohnPeopКублMarcElecKafeИониXVIIAlicКартGardБрачКиекколлКагр

Statistics:Posted by voodoc2 — Thu Apr 02, 2020 6:52 pm

2018-02-21T06:13:31-04:002018-02-19T15:49:05-04:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=5&p=310#p310 <![CDATA[Re: Mah Test Sheet]]> 1, 2, 3...

Statistics:Posted by Warren Biggs — Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:49 pm

2018-02-21T12:04:58-04:002018-02-16T13:24:16-04:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=5&p=301#p301 <![CDATA[Re: Mah Test Sheet]]> Model Number: MH13-017
Code Name: Fuunsaiki
Unit Type: mobile horse for use by GF13-017∞ God Master Gundam
Manufacturer: Space Frontier Republic
Operator: Fuunsaiki the horse
Accommodation: horse only, in 360 degree cockpit using Mobile Trace System
Dimensions: mobile horse mode - head height 17.1 meters, overall length 18.5 meters, overall width 5.4 meters; pedestal mode - overall height 8.3 meters, overall length 13.1 meters
Weight: empty 8.6 metric tons; max gross 13.2 metric tons
Construction: gundarium alloy super-ceramic composite rare metal hybrid
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, output rating unknown
Propulsion: total 91080 kg thrust output; mobile horse mode tail thruster 18216 kg, mobile horse mode calve thrusters 72864 kg, pedestal mode thrusters 91080 kg
Performance: 6.9 Gs
Equipment and Design Features: - Pedestal Mode Transformation (Shifting its shape into a platform for its mobile fighter master to stand, the mobile horse's legs and tail thrusters reform themselves along the corners of the pedestal mode to allow for rapid ascension and spinning maneuvers.)
- Wings of Light (While in mobile horse mode, wide-spanning wings of plasma can extend forth from the sides of the mobile horse to increase its speed and provide potential shielding.)
Fixed Armaments: super heated unicorn horn
Optional Fixed Armaments: N/A
Optional Hand Armament: N/A
Remote Weapons: N/A


Technical and Historical Notes

Over twenty years ago Warren Biggs was rewarded by the Space Frontier Republic for outstanding service with not only his beloved God Gundam mobile fighter, but its ever faithful steed, the Fuunsaiki mobile horse. Fuunsaiki serves to greatly increase its master's speed and maneuverability on the battlefield by galloping through the air with its mighty strides, thrusters, and Wings of Light. It is capable of both exiting and entering a planet's atmosphere with its high acceleration and beam wings. Having received a young colt by the same name to operate the mobile horse back then, Warren has since developed a deep bond between he and his four-legged companion over the decades. Fuunsaiki has been trained to follow relatively advanced instructions and to support the King of Hearts with its deadly horn and crushing hind kicks.

Statistics:Posted by Warren Biggs — Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:24 pm

2018-02-21T11:43:20-04:002018-01-23T07:50:47-04:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=5&p=43#p43 <![CDATA[Re: Mah Test Sheet]]> Model Number: GF13-017∞
Code Name: God Master Gundam
Unit Type: Mobile Fighter
Manufacturer: Hexxenhammer
Operator: Warren Biggs
Accommodation: pilot only, in 360 degree cockpit using Mobile Trace System and Core Lander
Dimensions: head height 17.1 meter
Weight: empty 8.3 metric tons; max gross 23.7 metric tons
Construction: gundarium alloy super-ceramic composite rare metal hybrid w/ Ultimate Gundam Cell Infusion
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: total 85320 kg thrust output; back thrusters 50447 kg, wing thrusters 19286 kg, calve thrusters 15587 kg
Performance: 3.6 Gs acceleration
Equipment and Design Features: - 2x Distance Slasher (A combination of the God Slasher and Distant Crusher weapons used by God and Master Gundam respectively, this tool is a gauntlet which serves as the main conduit of the pilot's ki. The claws are capable of emitting ki as super heated plasma in a fashion similar to a flamethrower. The gauntlets can also jettison from the forearm on a wire tether to apply this heat or incredible kinetic force to a target. As focal points of the pilot's ki, the gauntlets are extremely resistant to any potential damage and make highly effective shields.)
Fixed Armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted on head; 2 x machine cannon, fire-linked, mounted on torso; 2 x beam sword, stored on hips, hand-carried in use
Optional Fixed Armaments: N/A
Optional Hand Armament: N/A
Remote Weapons: N/A
Special Techniques: - Bakunetsu God Finger (Channeling ki into either or both of the mobile fighter's hands, they become super heated, drastically more durable, and capable of releasing their stored energy in deadly blast or even as explosive projectiles.)
- Bakunetsu God Slash (By focusing ki directly through the mobile fighter's hands and into one of its beam swords, the weapon becomes vastly larger and more powerful.)
- God Slash Typhoon (Only used in tandem with the Bakunetsu God Slash, the mobile fighter rapidly spins like a top as its beam sword's energy spreads out in an all-encompassing cyclone.)
- God Field Dash (Ki is rapidly expended from the mobile fighter's legs and thrusters to increase its speed and maneuverability twofold.)
- Bushin Sapou God Shadow (Six identical doppelganger-ki-manifestations come forth from the mobile fighter's frame, each capable of independent and coordinated strikes. They require concentration to maintain and cannot hold their form after sustaining much harm.)
- Clear Tranquility of Water / Hyper Mode (Through the pilot harnessing their emotions, the mobile fighter becomes golden and shines with bright light, multiplying both its ki pool and physical parameters grossly.)



Technical and Historical Notes

Warren Biggs had utilized the God Gundam for decades, the King of Hearts having brought out every ounce of the machine's potential long ago. But while the man continued to grow stronger his mobile fighter had its limits; it wasn't readily obvious, but the machine was holding him back. After being brought under the control of the Marked named Rudy, Warren's partner in battle was taken away by Hizir to be inspected and upgraded. Hizir used the combat data he gathered from his encounter with Warren to improve the areas he found weak in the God Gundam's design philosophy. The result was the God Master Gundam, a machine that sought to maximize the combat potential of the King of Hearts and remove it from its role as a pure "dueling machine."

All of God Master Gundam's improvements ultimately stemmed from its overhauled power regulation system, which was literally doubled. The two regulators ran concurrently, their stability kept in check with Ultimate Gundam cells infused into the machine's core. As long as its regulators remain relatively unscathed, the God Master Gundam is capable of channeling the pilot's ki with twice the speed and efficiency. It can also manipulate that same ki throughout its form at double the previous level, making the God Master capable of extraordinary physical output.

A great deal of the God Master Gundam's design was applied for the purpose of true explosive might. As such, the unit has several measures in place to contain its power, unlike God Gundam and its penchant for venting its energy output in a telltale Hyper Mode ring. Its Distance Slasher gauntlets are monstrous capacitors capable of storing most of the God Master's excess energy, allowing the machine to tap into its most powerful attacks with minimal telegraphing. Though its strongest attacks can quickly drain these capacitors, it can refill them just as quickly as the God Gundam would ready one of its own techniques, and benefits from always having the other gauntlet primed after the other is expended.

While the God Shadow technique was already an attack of Warren's applied to powerful effect, the God Master Gundam is built to even better facilitate it. Not only is the Distance Slasher-based offensive easily replicated by the mobile fighter's doppelgangers, but the wings on God Master Gundam's back now serve as ki transmitters to strengthen them and better coordinate their attacks. When its power regulator casing is open and its wings are spread, ki is fed directly to the God Shadow duplicates and they are made more capable of prolonged combat.

The weakness of the God Master Gundam lies in its name; there is no learning curve with this machine, as it actually demands a master Gundam Fighter to control. It has increased bulk that is compensated by infused joints, not reinforced ones. The twin power regulators can only utilize ki that is available, and while most mobile fighters flare in power with the emotions of the pilot, the God Master demands calm and stability to ensure both regulators are working at equal rates. Even an experienced Gundam Fighter stepping into the God Master would find themselves under great strain to make the machine perform adequately.

Statistics:Posted by Warren Biggs — Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:50 am

2018-02-21T11:44:21-04:002018-01-09T07:59:42-04:00 https://msgundamgates.com/viewtopic.php?t=5&p=33#p33 <![CDATA[Test Sheets]]> Name: Warren Douglas Biggs
Alias: The King of Hearts
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Date of Birth: April 19th, S.E. 07
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 215 lb.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Ethnicity: Caucasian / Earthling
Species: Gundam Fighter
Original Timeline: Solar Era
Affiliation: Shuffle Alliance
Professions: Martial Artist, Mercenary
Residence: Transient

Character Themes: "Iron (Instrumental)," Woodkid / "Under Heaven Destruction II," Blazblue: Chrono Phantasma OST

Appearance: Warren is tall with a lightly tanned complexion. He has short and messy hair, a lean yet immensely muscular physique, and he almost always keeps a layer of scruff covering his lower face. He's marked by a unique, seemingly "supernatural" crest atop of his right hand that depicts an image much resembling the King of Hearts playing card. His body also dons many various battle scars from bullet wounds, blades, and flames. His taste in fashion varies, oftentimes wearing whatever is convenient or even just more efficient. Warren is seldom seen unarmed without a handgun or his late teacher Amado's cherished katana.


Personality: Though prideful and sometimes abrasive toward others, Warren is optimistic, he is kind, and he is a man of his word and convictions. Understanding he's become an accomplished warrior of the utmost caliber, he has a very relaxed and confident demeanor about him that can often toe the line of arrogance. He is also courageous, tenacious, impatient, passionate, and honest. Warren has grown increasingly reclusive over the decades, but he doesn't at all mind keeping company when it's with those he finds worthwhile. His sense of justice is strong, he detests needless death, and the prospect of a real challenge rarely fails to entice his impulsive desire for battle.

Biography: It was well over twenty years ago that a young, naive, and headstrong boy began his long and periled journey into becoming the wiser man he is today. Warren Douglas Biggs was only seventeen-years-old when he made the choice to quit school and enlist with the Maxwellian Intifada. He never knew his mother or father, having been orphaned by the war long before he was even old enough to remember them. He wished to better himself, and to help hurting people, and to finally bring the conflict consuming Earth to an end. After serving on the front lines for a few months as a ground infantryman, his unnatural prowess in hand-to-hand combat was eventually recognized by his superior officers. The decision was quickly made to utilize Warren's unrefined talent by having him make use of a one-of-a-kind mobile fighter prototype in battle. It turned out he was a Gundam Fighter, someone capable of manifesting and manipulating their body's energy in extreme ways... And thus Warren would go on to fight many battles, make his fair share of friends and enemies, and slowly but surely grow into a force to be reckoned with.

The campaign continued on for some time before Biggs began to sympathize with the ideals of the Space Frontier Republic, abandoning the Maxwellian Intifada and stealing their mobile fighter prototype before relocating to space. Once proving himself to be a beneficial addition to his new faction's ranks, he received outstanding acknowledgment for his accomplishments in battle and was often permitted prolonged leaves of absence to return to Earth and better hone his abilities. However, it was when he returned to the Earth that Warren came to understand just how much he needed to improve. He encountered several other Gundam Fighters over the course of his excursions back home that were leagues beyond him or anything he was capable of, often becoming an easy punching bag for them. It would have seemed that his feats were not as special as he had been led to believe... But rather than be discouraged by his brutal defeats, the boy only became hungry to learn and desperate to grow stronger. It was then he sought to become the student of an old woman residing in Okinawa, Japan that was rumored to be incredibly proficient in controlling ki. The old woman, Master Viel, reluctantly accepted his request and began the long and grueling process of teaching Warren everything she could from her vast experience. Though, little did Biggs know that he would need all the preparation he could get for what was coming next.

Several months later the head of the Space Frontier Republic, Louis Terrin, would call Warren away from his diligent training to undertake a special mission on Mars that only someone of his skill set could ever hope to pull off. He was tasked with infiltrating the heart of the Vexnal Corporation, a highly defended weapons research and development facility, and assassinating its CEO, Kyana Vexnal, for the attempted murder of Grand Admiral Terrin. Willing to take a bet on himself and his training, Warren embraced the mission and ventured alone to the red planet's surface. He breached the compound, destroyed the mechanized monstrosities within, and ultimately ended Vexnal as well as her company single-handed. When Biggs returned victorious he was hailed as a hero, he was promoted straight up the ranks, and he even became the official poster boy for the Space Frontier Republic. Most importantly though, he was rewarded with a superior mobile weapon: the God Gundam.

With no end to the bloodshed in sight, the Gundam Fighter continued to grow more and more powerful with each skirmish he participated. Suddenly he was no longer just another rookie; he was a champion with the accolades to prove it. Though despite his ever-inflating ego, Biggs continued to take every opportunity he could to return to Okinawa and learn more from Master Viel. However, Master Viel wouldn't remain his primary teacher for much longer. While stationed in the Asteroid Belt, he was approached by a mysterious mobile fighter and challenged to a bout by none other than the King of Hearts, leader of an ancient and secretive organization known as the Shuffle Alliance. The King of Hearts' name was Amado and he had heard much of the young man's exploits. Fairing well in their clash, he had apparently been tested and his skills were deemed worthy. It was from then on that Warren began his tutelage under his latest instructor.

Warren Biggs continued to constantly break his body's limits and push beyond to new heights with Master Amado's training. Whenever there was a challenge too great, Amado was always there to guide his pupil through it. He very much became like the father figure he never had, as well as his best friend. After less than a year, the King of Hearts finally revealed his initial intentions of passing down his moniker and crest to Warren. Honored, he accepted and vowed to fulfill his newfound duty to protect Earth and humanity from destruction as a member of the Shuffle Alliance.

It was only weeks later during a large-scale assault against the Space Frontier Republic led by the Judas Confederation that "The Great Cataclysm" inexplicably occurred and decimated life in the entire solar system. The world was left in a state of utter devastation after an apparent blending together of different, alternate realities. Countless people either suddenly died or vanished that day for reasons inexactly known, including Master Amado, Master Viel, and many of Warren's friends. With all of the warring factions suddenly husks of their former selves, the bloody conflict had finally been brought to a resolution, but of terrible consequence. It was an event that Biggs would never forget.

Twenty-three years have passed since the day humanoids were brought to the brink of extinction. Over that period the King of Hearts aimlessly traveled the globe numerous times, often competing in martial arts competitions and taking the odd mercenary job for monetary income. For decades he was waiting to find redemption, waiting to somehow avenge his perceived failure to defend those he loved so long ago. With the corrupted Central Earth Union's rise to prominence and the looming threat of the Bio Gundam hidden away deep beneath the ocean, his opportunity would soon come. War had once again returned to the already ravaged planet. Though in order to truly make a difference, Warren would first need to seek out what remained of the Shuffle Alliance...

Combat Style: The King of Hearts lives up to the legacy of his title through virtually unrivaled strength, speed, and endurance. He thrives in close quarters combat and draws from his body's immense pool of ki to devastate enemies with special techniques. He is a savvy tactician, but he isn't renown for developing particularly advanced strategies. Through years of training and discipline, Warren has learned to control and wield his emotions as a deadly weapon on the battlefield. He is calm, deliberate, and opportunistic when dispatching the opposition.

Other Information:
- dislikes being called by his first name, prefers "Biggs"
- mediocre standard mobile suit pilot
- feels most at home on coastline
- enjoys whiskey
- hasn't received any formal education beyond 10th Grade
- proficient hunter and fisherman
- has an irrational fear of hospitals

Prototype Mobile Weapon: GF13-017∞ God Master Gundam

Mass Production Mobile Weapon: MH13-017 Fuunsaiki

Statistics:Posted by Warren Biggs — Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:59 am
