Location Unknown, Three Months Ago.
"....Welcome back to the land of the living. Mr. St-Jacques."
It had been two months months since the grey eyes of Florus St-Jacques opened. Two months, although the Union pilot didn't know. To him, it happened only yesterday. Meridia, the fight, the Union patrol who was supposed to be there. The help who never came despite his pleas from Florus St-Jacques. His six foot two frame shifted, right leg twitching as he'd sit up in bed, barely. "W-Where..am I?"
"You're inside an abandoned resource satellite we've taken over. We came when your signal reached us, and you were barely clinging to life." Florus said nothing at first, but when his eyes finally came into focus, he could see the figure who was talking to him. Thin and tall, a white coat over a white shirt, black pants and shined black shoes, crisp and clean. "Josephine..where is she?" It was then the man frowned on the corner of his mouth and he'd slowly make his way to sit on a stool beside Florus's bed with a soft groan. "I'm afraid, Florus..it's been two months since we found you, the Union has officially labeled you as Killed in Action. However, as far as your girlfriend..we've seen nothing to let us believe she asked for the incident report, or even attended your funeral."
Florus St-Jacques shifted before he shook his head once, then twice before he brought right hand up and dismissively waved his right hand at the Doctor. "Get the fuck out of here, no way is that true!" The tall man would sit there, his face devoid of expression before he curled his mouth into a frown once more. "Mr. St-Jacques, I'm sorry, but it is true. I'll have the reports brought to you, but for now..we have an offer for you."
Hearing it again caused Florus's face to drop, sullen. Was it true? Did he really mean so little to Josephine that she moved on without a second thought? Florus St-Jacques thought he meant something to her, after all, he had fallen in love with the pilot. Head over heels for the woman, but it was that little voice in the back of his head that made him believe it so easily. "The question Florus, is, will you run back to Luna, and walk around dealing the threat of corrupted forces hunting you? Or, will you join us and actually do something about it?"
The man sat silent in bed before those grey eyes narrowed briefly at the Doctor, "Who..are you people?" The man shifted on his stool, smiling widely before he extended a hand towards Florus St-Jacques.
"We're the old guard, we're the ones who'll save the Union from itself..and we have a lot of work to do Mr. St-Jacques."Statistics:Posted by Buster — Sat Jul 14, 2018 1:40 pm