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Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:51 pm
by Omni
Board Name: Omni
Discord Name: Omni
Other Names: Meatpurse (On PSN/various other vidya)
Position: Administrator
Common Times of Activity: My work schedule is 3pm-11:30pm MST Monday through Friday. I am usually idling in chat most of the time.
Other Notes: Canadian

Schwarzer Ritter

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:54 pm
by Omni
102 Schwarzer Ritter
Age: 51
Date of Birth: September 29
Gender: Male
Species: Newtype
Hair: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6'1
Affiliations: Central Earth Union
Profession: Universal Quantifier, Diplomat, Pilot
Residence: Château de Chambord at Chambord, Loir-et-Cher, France

"I will make a world where my daughter doesn’t have to fight anymore. This is only something a father can understand!”

  • Schwarzer Ritter carries the appearance one would expect from a man with a name like that. He carries a thick head of black hair, complimented by a pair of piercing blue eyes. He is not considered an extraordinarily attractive man and likely wouldn't turn many heads in a room. As a trained Mobile Suit pilot, he has an above average physique, but is not a physically imposing person. His youthful appearance is kept intact by the Turn A Gundam, maintaining Ritter in what he considered his ideal self.
  • Ritter in public tends to dress in a simple black suit and tie combination when he is doing what he considers to be work. Otherwise, he's a very simple dresser and is likely to be found wearing a plain t-shirt and pants befitting of someone concerned more about practicality than fashion. Having lived most of his life in the Colonies and other parts of space, Ritter almost always wears sunglasses when he's on Earth.
  • Almost always prefers things in black.

Personal Information:
  • Is intrinsically linked to the Turn A Gundam after his 'rebirth'.
  • Has developed a love for cooking as a hobby over time.
  • His Newtype powers are considerably weaker than they once were. Whether this is a result of his rebirth, or if they had naturally waned is up for debate.
  • Has a natural affinity towards dad jokes.

Long ago Ritter fought in a different time. He knew who his enemies were, and he knew what he was fighting for. Kou Chun and Ritter fought alongside against their enemies, crusading for a great peace on behalf of their very own savior, DOME. Battles waged across the Earth Sphere and Ritter found himself fighting for different causes, but all for the same reason: peace. It all culminated in the Battle of DOME, the end of it all. Kou had died, Ritter fought those that saw him as a traitor, and then it all went dark. Ritter woke, battered and broken, guns silenced, DOME no longer calling out. When he was finally rescued, he could tell the world had changed.

The years went by and Ritter found himself fighting again, not caring about peace in this new world. Life was about survival now. Working as a mercenary in the outer-planets, Ritter made himself a small fortune he used to attain a ship and a group of loyal men. Yearning to return to his homeland, Ritter set forth for the Earth Sphere, finding it was still in the same shape as when he left it all those years ago. After thwarting an attack on the Colonies upon his return, Ritter decided to make his way to Earth and meet with some old friends. Following the kidnapping of the Union's former president he was recruited by a mysterious man to investigate a possible new super weapon constructed by the new regime. The mysterious man also told Ritter of a possible connection to this super weapon named Libra, his daughter Kit Langley was in charge of it. Following a failed infiltration attempt, Ritter distanced himself from the Earth for a brief time. Little did he know, destiny had found him.

In the Shoal Zone Ritter and his crew stumbled upon a derelict Colony, cast in a mysterious cocoon. The Colony beckoned to Ritter, the man finding himself drawn to investigate what exactly was lurking inside. Fighting his way through, he encountered a strange Gundam calling itself The Extreme. The Extreme spoke prophecies of destroying all life in the Earth Sphere, wishing to repeat a cycle of destruction. Ritter, breaking free of the Gundam's despair vowed to forge his own future. As he made one final attack in desperation, he saw it. A strange Yellow-Eyed Gundam appeared, binding The Extreme and allowed Ritter to strike a killing blow. Ritter could see his life flash before his eyes as everything went black.

Ritter awoke alone on the outskirts of the Earth Sphere, his body now young and free of the scars his years of fighting had gave him. Another mysterious figure emerged as Ritter found himself reborn, telling him to go to Mecca to save the Goddess. Taking this advice, Ritter traveled to the desert, only to find that the family he had yearned for in these past months was not his own anymore. He knew that they needed to find their own strengths. Still finding himself lost, Ritter turned to the one person who he knew could make sense of it all: Madalen. She was the one who kept him strong when they tried to stop Libra, she could keep him strong now. A meeting with a strange masked entity Madalen was acquainted with helped Ritter learn more about the mystery of the strange Yellow-Eyed Gundam, and it's symbol, a turned-A. Following several leads, Ritter eventually encountered the mysterious being he would eventually name Wendell, who claimed to be one in the same as the Extreme Gundam. Saving Ritter from Kodoq, Wendell entrusted Ritter with a mysterious device, said to bring out the true power of the Gundam.

Ritter brought the mysterious device to the Turn v Gundam and placed it in the cockpit of the machine following its severe damage at the hand of a Union task force. Slowly the machine encased itself in a cocoon, and when it emerged, Ritter’s eyes gazed upon the same machine that had rescued him from The Extreme all those months ago. Following a reunion with his daughter and meeting her girlfriend Lauren Clark once more, Ritter learned of the mission planned to the Moon, to end the conflict of DOME once and for all.
The battle at the Moon proved to be a trying conflict for Schwarzer Ritter as he worked to get Lauren Clark into the facility with the help of Madalen and Kit. A duel with an old friend and enemy, Thomas Laurent caused Ritter to let his daughter seemingly die before his eyes, only for it to end up that she was actually safe and sound. The Second Battle of DOME concluded with a hard fought victory for Ritter and the others, he was too weak to protect those he loved, yet somehow those he cared about most had somehow survived. Finally, he could let the conflicts of his past go, and finally move on into the future.

In the months that passed, Ritter spent some time with his daughter, Kit, catching up on the things he had missed. When one has a brush with death, they tend to hold the things they see as dear extra close, and that’s exactly what Ritter did while everything seemed quiet for the time being. After a few weeks, he traveled back to be by Madalen’s side and to do what he could to finally bring the Earth together under a common flag. He took up a position as a personal envoy for Madalen, acting on her behalf over diplomatic missions to see to various nations that were just joining under the Union’s banner. Everything was quiet for the time being, but for a man who knows only war, the vicious cycle can only repeat itself once more.

It wouldn't be long however, until all of that was shattered before his very eyes.

  • Madalen Al-Han'ah/Queen Mab - Former Girlfriend
  • Kathryn Langley - Former girlfriend
  • Kit Langley - Daughter
  • Lauren Clark - Daughter-in-Law
  • Kou Chun - Friend / Mentor
  • Sariel / Mister Mask - Unknown
  • DOME - Former 'Leader'
  • Wendell - Unknown
  • Kodoq - Enemy
Personal Holdings:
  • SYSTEM ∀-99 ∀ Gundam
Primary Mobile Suit:
SYSTEM ∀-99 ∀ Gundam

Combat Style: Resolute
Ritter is a very experienced Newtype, and therefore will often use his abilities to feel the situation around himself and adapt accordingly. He knows how to read his opponents not only through habits, but his sixth sense, and will often try to communicate or intimidate them mid-combat. He is highly determined when it comes to a battle he knows he has to win and will often sacrifice his personal safety to ensure a victory. Ritter’s narrow-minded nature can lead to issues as he can potentially focus on a single target.

Mosa van Rooyen

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:00 pm
by Omni
121 Mosa van Rooyen
Age: 23
Date of Birth: May 22
Gender: Female
Species: Oldtype
Hair: Platinum blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'8
Affiliations: Centralized Earth Union
Profession: Mobile Suit Engineer, Pilot
Residence: Caelin Hill

"Okay then, I accept your challenge. Let's soar Wing Gundam! Girls, follow me!"

  • Mosa has a very athletic body and has quite a great amount of upper body strength due to her constant physical labouring.
  • Her most distinguishing feature is her platinum blonde hair which stands out against her dark skin, a feature given to her from a mixed-race heritage common in her region.
  • Usually she can be found wearing a mechanic's jump suit with either a military-issued t-shirt or tank top and of course the standard CEU dress uniform and her pilot suit.

Personal Information:
  • Is a highly capable Engineer, both with mechanics and computers.
  • Has an unhealthy obsession with new or unfamiliar technology.


Born a year after the Cataclysm, Mosa grew up accustomed to the changes state of the world that her parents weren't able to cope with. Shortly after her birth, her father went missing, his fate remaining a mystery even to this day. Her mother fell into a state of depression, forcing the young Mosa to be raised by her grandparents. For the first few months of her new living situation, Mosa was a trouble child, refusing to listen to the wishes of her new guardians. Her grandfather in particular was worried about his granddaughter, and sought out a way to connect with the young girl the only way he knew how: using his machine shop. Mosa was instantly enchanted by the heaps of parts in her granddad's scrap yard and how this man could somehow breathe new life into old machines using the scrap of even older ones. For hours on end she would watch him work and go over old technical manuals he had saved from his time with a company called Theia Quantum Industrial. At the mere age of eight she was already actively helping her grandpa make repairs to old Mobile Suits and other remnants of wars Mosa would never learn about. The world around her was slowly starting to rebuild, and she knew her grandfather was one of the ones working to make it a nicer place.

With no schools for Mosa to attend, she took it to herself to help her grandparents run their business, proving herself as an adept mechanic in almost all aspects of the trade. She would tinker with dozens of old machines left for dead by their owners, repairing anything from Haros to robotic birds to even rewriting their operating systems as a means of giving herself some companions to talk to. Eventually her grandmother passed away, leaving the shop to be ran solely by her and her grandfather, who now was showing signs that his age was catching up with him as well. Despite all this, Mosa continued to do her best, keeping an upbeat attitude even though she had been through so much already. One by one more tasks were entrusted to Mosa as her grandpa slowly began to die. At the age of 16 she said goodnight to him one last time,he didn't wake up when she went to deliver him his usual breakfast. Having only been on this earth for such a short amount of time, she was already left behind by all those she had come to love.

Another year passed and soon everything she knew from her life would be stripped away from her. She vividly remembers waking up to the flames surrounding the shop, burning away all the memories she had of her grandfather. She ran from her room as she heard the shells drop around her. The shop was under attack by the very same Mobile Suits she remembered repairing weeks ago. The realism of this awful world had chosen not to knock on her door, but smash it down entirely. She scrambled, covering her head as the garage began to crash around her. Heading into the scrapyard she saw the husk of a mobile suit that her grandfather had tinkered in almost every day. She crawled into the cockpit, powering on the suit by bypassing most of its start up sequences. As the monitors flashed on, Mosa read the word Marionette Mobile Doll System as the suit crawled to life, accompanied by a half dozen other husks of incomplete Mobile Suits. Her hands didn't even grip the controls before the Suit she was inside churned to life, the beam rifle functioning just enough to land a direct hit on one of the Raiders, disabling her enemy and causing the pilot to slam directly into the place she had called home her entire life. The remaining units all followed, indiscriminately destroying whatever they deemed to be a threat to their pied piper. Before Mosa knew it, all that remained was destruction. Her enemies were either dead or fled in fear of what exactly they were attacked by. As she stepped out of the metal womb she had found safety in, she knew the life she had was now gone, and she could never return to it.

Salvaging what she could, including her granddad's strange Mobile Doll System, Mosa left her town behind. She wandered around for another year, picking up odd jobs in whatever town she came across. Eventually fate would find itself her way. Coming across a broken down Union convoy, Mosa offered to help repair their damage in exchange for a meal and a hot shower. The engineering crew was so impressed at her knowledge that they forwarded word of her to their superiors, and offered her a position in the Union as one of them. Having no better place to be, or any direction of her own, Mosa eagerly accepted the offer. Deep down yearning that this might bring back the familiarity of her own life. She progressed quickly through the ranks, assisted by her presentation of her grandfather's technology to the higher-ups who were always looking for new ways to kill their enemies.

Following an encounter against a mysterious unit who claimed to be former Union soldiers, Mosa fell into a slump. She threw herself into her work to distract her from the near-death experience she had managed to escape from. She took to rebuilding the damaged Wing Gundam, refusing any help from outside as she tinkered away at it, choosing to let the Mobile Suit continue to bear the scars of its defeat in an attempt to humble herself. After countless attempts to find out more regarding these former soldiers to no success, she told herself that she would rise through the ranks of the Centralized Earth Union and use some pull to find out why all data regarding them had mysteriously disappeared from all databases.

  • Rickert Shaw - Superior officer
  • Tracy Olsen - Subordinate
  • Mohammed Kahn - Subordinate
Personal Holdings:
  • XXXG-01Wf Wing Gundam Fenice
  • OZ-12SMS Marionette Taurus x4
  • Gaw Assault Carrier Master Puppeteer
Primary Mobile Suit: XXXG-01Wf Wing Gundam Fenice
Wing Gundam Fenice
Mass Produced Mobile Suit: OZ-12SMS Marionette Taurus
Marionette Taurus

Combat Style: Analytical

Mosa is extremely analytical when it comes to combat. If she knows any bit of information about a mobile suit, weapon, system, or anything related, she will use her knowledge as best she can to find some sort of upper hand or way to get around it. Yet, she is very easy to distract if she sees something she’s unfamiliar with, as her curiosity often gets the best of her. Otherwise, she is all about using her own machine and her mobile dolls as one entity, having them cover for her or create openings to allow her to strike. She is extremely protective of the Dolls, and will often to maneuvers that are more likely to risk her life if she sees they are in any sort of danger.

NPCs - The Reinvented & Other

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:05 pm
by Omni
Name: Great Prophet Mazin
Age: Unknown
Race: Cyborg Newtype
Character Theme: SMT IV OST - Battle C5 (Archangel Theme)
Other Information: As the leader of the Reinvented, Mazin has the best cybernetics his people have to offer. His main body is composed largely of nanomachines that build not only a synthetic skin, but muscles as well. These offerings give him physical abilities far beyond any normal human, and the body is only that much stronger after a Psycoframe was implanted into his very body. His Newtype presence is very distinct, often accompanied by a large battlefield-wide hymn. As a man of the One God, he's able to keep a very tight control over his emotions, which are almost impossible to read. He is also noted to be exceptionally skilled with a blade.

Appearance: Mazin's body is that of physical perfection thanks in large part to cybernetics. His white hair is kept in a long state to match the long flowing robes that he normally wears.

Personality: Mazin is very charismatic and is known to have a silver tongue. Being so highly religious, he follows the Reinvented's doctrines exactly as they are laid out, not willing to compromise them for any.


Little is known about the Great Prophet asides from the fact that over twenty years ago, he banded together the Cyborg workers of Mars to rise against their masters and establish a homeland where all with cybernetics could live in complete freedom, away from persecution. Following the disarray of the Cataclysm, the Great Prophet rallied his men to carry out a crusade against those he considered infidels and heretics. Following years of bloodshed, the conflict entered a stalemate as Neo Gundopolis was raised as a holy land for the Reinvented.

Combat Style: He fully utilizes his Newtype prowess in combat as a means of suppressing his enemies. When he enters a battlefield, hymns and chants are often heard which are said to be capable of driving men insane. He is very detached when he fights, seeing every battle as a test from the One God something he was given merely to test his resolve, which he knows he has in spades. His Mobile Weapons tend to be capable of massive suppression, and utilize the greatest of The Reinvented’s technology.

Mobile Weapon: RH-000Ω Apostle Omega

Name: Iron Maiden
Age: Unknown
Race: Cyborg
Other Information: The Iron Maiden is Mazin's most trusted subordinate, a woman he would trust to protect him any day. Like Mazin, she possesses state of the art cybernetics, yet they are still not as advanced as her Prophet's.

Appearance: The Maiden has an unusually large body, thanks to implants she requested to allow her to best any man that thought they could stand to her. Her face is scattered with various implants, and her skin suggests some sort of mixed race heritage before she let go of her flesh body.

Personality: Brash and quick to anger, the Iron Maiden's personality is almost a perfect compliment to Mazin's calm demeanor. She holds him in extremely high regard and sees him as her everything.


All most know of the Iron Maiden is over twenty years ago she was rescued by the Prophet and ever since she has been by his side. She was a feared opponent during the great Jihad the Reinvented carried out and has time and time again proven her skills as one of the Reinvented's Great Priestesses.

Combat Style: A ruthless warrior, the Iron Maiden holds back against no opponent. She will often utilize full out assaults, overwhelming an enemy as fast as possible. She sees no honour, and will do anything she can to protect her Prophet and her ideals.

Mobile Weapon: RH-010 Zealot, NRH-005 Bound Doc


Name: Ren Woxing aka Master Cosmos aka The Undefeated of the Heavens
Age: 66
Race: Gundam Fighter / Marked
Character Theme: MF Doom - Styrax Gum
Other Information:
- Despite his aged appearance, Master Cosmos is in extraordinary physical shape due to years of training and herbal regiments
- Is versed in a variety of martial arts, most specifically Jeet Kun Do
- Trained in various forms of melee weaponry, but prefers using his belt as his weapon of choice.
- Being Marked by Kodoq, Master Cosmos has gained the ability to manipulate flames generated by his own energy and a defensive form that resembles a set of armour, these abilities can be used when he is piloting as well.

Appearance: As a man well into his sixties, the small stature of Master Cosmos does not seem like the kind of person who would hold the kind of strength that he does. His hair is grayed and wild, swept back by the mask he puts on his face to keep up the persona of Master Cosmos. His body is extremely toned from years of training, something that Cosmos takes pride in during his old age.

Personality: Brash and quick to react, Master Cosmos holds an intensity few are able to comprehend. Strength is everything to him, and he sees combat as the only way to truly understand another person. He views the weak as below that of himself, not something for the strong to bother with. Glory and power are his two goals in life, but Master Cosmos won't forsake his ideals to accomplish them.


It was almost as if the world were being born again when it happened. Everything shifted, and nothing could be the same ever again. The man known as Master Cosmos was given a second chance at his life, and this time he would become king of these wastelands. The Godfist had been destroyed, the colonies were lost, everything was gone, except for Cosmos' strength.

Master Cosmos found his way to Earth by getting passage aboard a shuttle, and it was there that he would begin his quest of defeating any opponent he came across. It didn't matter if they were in mobile suits or not, Master Cosmos set forth to defeat anything he could. Slowly he found he was regaining the powers he once possessed, and soon his technique was coming back to once it used to be. He no longer had any attachment to the weight of his past sins, he could now fight a free and unburdened spirit.

Mighty giants fell before the old man, and the simple thieves trembled before this new foe. Cosmos needed to find stronger foes elsewhere. He needed to defeat more enemies. Obtaining a destroyed Mobile Suit, Cosmos repaired in, and even retro-fitted the unit to be compatible with his fighting style. It was time to defeat the strongest in all the lands. The Master wasn't going to hold back any longer.

The Master journeyed until he encountered Kodoq, the mysterious entity in control of the Games. The Master accepted her challenge to best every opponent she had found for him, looking to become the greatest warrior to be known. Following a battle with another Marked warrior, Master Cosmos chose to settle for the moment in an Arena-based town, dubbing it Cosmosland after he displayed his might in the arena. Battles await before him, and soon Earth would be added to his title of Undefeated of the Heavens.

Combat Style: Has a great control over his ki and is as wise as somebody his age would be after years of studying martial arts. His love of a good fight causes him to gain an unstoppable attitude when in battle. His age is his greatest weakness, even with the regenerative abilities of a Marked and a life of clean living and constant physical improvements, Master Cosmos' body is nowhere near its physical peak anymore.

Mobile Weapon: Master Zaku

NPCs - Mosa van Rooyen

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:06 pm
by Omni
Name: Rickert Shaw
Age: 29
Race: Oldtype
Other Information: Captain of the Gaw Assault Carrier Master Puppeteer

Appearance: Rickert is tall and slender, and doesn’t seem to carry around much of any sort of muscle. He usually keeps himself in an unkempt state, everything from his hair to his clothing is in some sort of disarray.

Personality: He’s a slacker by the very definition of the word. Rickert doesn’t care too much for the military lifestyle, but he has no drive to move anywhere from it. Yet at desperate times, a passion can come out of him much to the surprise of everyone who knows his personality.

Biography: After coasting through life, Rickert Shaw joined up with the Centralized Earth Union when he was 20 after finding slim employment prospects. Originally, he figured he would join, earn some money, then leave and travel the Earth Sphere or something. Sometimes though, life doesn’t work out how you want it to, and Rickert found himself enjoying the structure of it all. He had grown far too accustomed to the military life.

Through sheer luck, as some said, he rose through the ranks and reached Captain, finding himself in command of an Irish-Class cruiser named the Little Miss. After a fateful encounter, the Little Miss chased a group of pirates into a trap and was left crippled. Rickert, seeing no other option, ordered the crew to escape the ship. This action lead to the destruction of several life boats as they tried and failed to escape. He was branded a failure and as bad luck on a battleship, and he simply gave up at trying to be anything. He was eventually reassigned to an engineering test unit, where he has remained for the last five years.

Name: Tracy Olsen
Age: 18
Race: Oldtype
Other Information: Ensign in the CEU, Operator of the Gaw Assault Carrier Master Puppeteer

Appearance: Tracy is very petite for a eighteen-year old, often giving off the look of a far younger girl.
Personality: Ensign Tracy Olsen is extremely shy and non-confrontational. She often stammers her words or looks at the ground when talking to others. Her aptitude scores were rather low, and to many she doesn’t seem very bright.

Biography: Tracy was born to the wealthy Olsen family, owners of a very successful clothing manufacturing company. From a young age, her parents noticed that she wasn’t the right material for taking over the family business, no matter how hard they tried to groom her into a successful CEO. Eventually, she was cut off from the family fortune. Seeing nowhere else to go, she joined the Centralized Earth Union after her younger brother suggested it as a means of personal improvement. Of course she was too naïve to realize that she was now out of the picture.

Name: Mohammed Kahn
Age: 25
Race: Oldtype
Other Information: Ensign in the CEU and helmsman of the Gaw Assault Carrier Master Puppeteer. Has a crush on Mosa.

Appearance: Big and burly, Mohammed is a fairly large man that carries himself like a barrel. He may look sort of fat, but he’s actually quite in shape.

Personality: He’s extremely quiet, almost never speaking, but shows a great intellect and foresight into situations. Nobody helms a battleship with the focus he does.

Biography: Born in the Middle East, witnessing a terrorist attack at a young age caused the young Mohammed Kahn to close himself off from the world, shutting himself into his room, the only place he found safe. Eventually after years of help from his friends and family, Mohammed once returned to the outside world. Even though he had progressed this much, he remained extremely quiet. The years passed and Mohammed graduated near the top of his class, soon people dubbed him the ‘Silent Genius’. For whatever reason, instead of pursuing a more lucrative career, he enlisted into the Centralized Earth Union where he was assigned to the Master Puppeteer.

Thread Listing (WIP)

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:11 pm
by Omni
Schwarzer Ritter

Prologue - Same Old Chaos

The Siege
- Schwarzer Ritter returns to defend a colony from an unknown aggressor. Once again he is convinced that the world needs to change.

Chapter One - Old Friends, New Enemies

Sowing the Wind
- Returning to Earth, Ritter meets up with his old comrade, Francis Maxwell. He also meets President Templeton of the CEU, and wishes for Templeton to unite the Earth Sphere.
Get Your Game Faces on, Gentlemen - Ritter and a rag-tag team attempt to rescue the kidnapped President Templeton, only to fail miserably.
Swiss Cheese - Ritter meets with a mysterious individual wishing to use his services against the Union.
Here, There and Everywhere
- Travelling through Madrid, Ritter encounters a young Newtype named Luceria. Offering her a place to stay aboard his ship, the two eventually depart the city and head for Space.

Chapter Two - The Sword Above our Heads

Prelude: Libra Stage One
- Finally back in Space, Ritter finally meets Mister Mask, his new employer and a mysterious young woman named Madalen. He is eventually told that his daughter is on the Colonies, knowing that he must find her.
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Colonies
- Ritter and Madalen work to infiltrate the colony LX-3001. Once inside, Ritter meets with a local resistance group and tries to find more information on his daughter.
Asking the right Questions
- Ritter meets with Mora Wiley in an establishment for Colonial sympathizers, it is here that he learns the shocking facts about Kit.
Gunpowdered Agenda - Ritter meets with Madalen and Jon to give an update on their mission. Madalen decides to try and help Ritter get to Kit.
Capturing Moods
- Being his only chance of finding his daughter, Ritter and Madalen stalk a red-haired girl named Lauren, apparently Kit's girlfriend. He ends up telling Lauren what he knows about Kit, which in turn seems to shock the young woman. Shortly after this, Ritter departs the Colony, abandoning his mission.

Chapter Three - Extreme

The Extreme
- A strange voice speaks to Ritter, pointing him towards a derelict space colony. Not knowing quite what was beckoning to him, he decides to investigate further, fighting his way towards the Colony.
The Edge of Reality
- Traversing deeper into the mysterious alien Colony, Ritter encounters a powerful Newtype who wishes to destroy all humanity and complete the cycle of destruction. Ignoring the fate this creature bestowed upon Ritter, he fights to protect the world he had helped create, wishing to protect his daughter.

Chapter Four - The Exorcist

- Following his battle with The Extreme, Ritter awakens in the middle of space, finding himself with a youthful body and strange Gundam. He is met by a demon from his past, only to be asked for assistance.
Apples of Eden
- Ritter travels to Mecca following the instructions given to him by Jacobin with the intention to purge the Ghost of Constantine from Kit. Here he is reunited with Kathryn, his former lover, and is shown the true side of his daughter.

Chapter Five - The Universal Quantifier

For the Wars - After hearing Madalen's declaration to the World, Ritter travels to Europe to meet the head of the European Resistance, wishing to find his way into the conflict somehow.
Alright Hear This - Ritter's relationship with Madalen deepens. He also meets the mysterious Mister Mask and asks of the Universal Quantifier.
Dies Irae - Ritter and Madalen meet with the Centralized Earth Union's Warlord, Priscus Nox. Ritter's opinion of Priscus drives him to fight the Union and depose of their leader.
Rusalka - Ritter takes some time to relax with Madalen before the city of Karlovy Vary is attacked by Union forces. Ritter takes to combat with his Turn-v Gundam to drive away the enemy.
Solve for ∀ - Receiving a mysterious message, Schwarzer Ritter heads off to meet with the sender. He is given a mysterious device that he must find the secrets of.

Chapter Six - Resolution

Family Dinner - Ritter reunites with his daughter and meets her girlfriend as him and Madalen attempt to throw an old fashioned family dinner.
Light Side - Schwarzer Ritter accompanies Kit and Lauren on a mission to quell the threat on the Moon once and for all. In the newly reformed Turn A Gundam, Ritter battles the ghosts of his past in more ways than one.

Mosa van Rooyen

Prologue - A Girl and Her Dolls
War Games - Mosa and her unit encounter a mysterious group and decides to engage them in combat, only to find out she has much to learn about war.

Mobile Weapons: Schwarzer Ritter

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:17 pm
by Omni
Prototype Mobile Weapon
123 SYSTEM ∀-99 Turn A Gundam
Unit type: general purpose mobile suit
Accommodation: pilot only, in cockpit in pelvis using Core Fighter
Dimensions: overall height 20 meters
Weight: max gross weight 28.6 metric tons
Armor materials: FE Type
Powerplant: DHGCP type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 27000 kW (+/-5000 kW)
Propulsion: rocket thrusters (2 located in each leg), output rating ~160, 000 kg
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration ~ 5.59G

quote here
Equipment and Design Features:
  • I-Field Beam Drive System: Using extreme advances in Minovsky technology, the ∀ Gundam forgoes traditional methods of Mobile Suit locomotion, and instead uses I-Field technology to move the Mobile Suit's limbs. The result is extremely fluid motion, as there is virtually zero friction for the Gundam to work against. The free space allowed by this technology lets the ∀ Gundam house a large multi-purpose silo in its chest, and keep its weight down to a minimum.
  • ∀ I-Field: As a by-product of the IFBD System, the ∀ Gundam sports an extremely advanced version of the I-Field seen utilized by countless Mobile Weapons. As a result of the machine's reactor output, the ∀ I-Field has the capability to stop not only beam weapons, but solid projectiles as well. The Gundam is also capable of extending the I-Field to weapons it is currently wielding, such as the shield or the Gundam Hammers, allowing even more advanced offensive/defensive capabilities. When applied to weapons, it has been observed to interfere with other machines energy outputs on contact.
  • Nanotech Self-repair System:
    A mysterious system comprised of nanites that are capable of fully repairing the ∀ Gundam. So far it has been observed merging with the RX-93-v-2 Hi-v Gundam once piloted by Schwarzer Ritter. Then after another encounter, it absorbed another Mobile Suit to repair itself to its original state. In full repair mode, the Gundam is observed to 'cocoon' itself in what seems to be a mass of nanites. Currently speculated it might also be capable of regenerating Schwarzer Ritter as well, but this theory is untested.
  • Multi-purpose silo: Silos housed in the ∀ Gundam's chest. They are capable of housing a multitude of armaments, which can be swapped for various configurations, including: 90mm machinecannon x6; 52-tube micro missile pod x6; large missile x6, with a variety of types such as anti-mobile suit missiles, anti-ship missiles, anti-beam missiles and anti-missile missiles.
  • ∀ Beam rifle: A specialized beam rifle fielded by the ∀ Gundam, that seems to induce resonance in heavy metal particles to produce a beam. It is actually a 'rephaser' cannon, which means it is unhindered when firing in any conditions, and has two distinct methods of fire. The first is that of a standard beam rifle, the second mode is a high output form that fires a massive beam more comparable to that of a beam cannon. In the high output mode, the beam rifle is theoretically capable of matching the weapon output of a Colony Laser, however that is only a theory at this point.
  • DHGCP type ultracompact fusion reactor: The Discontinuous Hyperoscillation Gauge Collapsing Pile type reactor of the ∀ Gundam utilizes twin degeneracy reactors creating a blackhole reaction to power the Mobile Suit. It is theoretically capable of generating an infinite amount of energy, but the machine has currently been observed as having energy issues, and is nowhere near at 100% operational capacity.
  • 6x multi-purpose silo, mounted in chest
  • 2x beam cannon, mounted in abdomen, can be replaced with 2x 90mm machinecannon or 4x rocket pod; each pod carries 16 rockets
  • 2x beam saber, carried in recharge racks on shoulders
  • 1x shield, can be mounted on either forearm or stored on back
  • 1x ∀ beam rifle, can be carried in mount on back
  • 2x beam rifle, handheld in use
  • 2x Gundam hammer, handheld in use
  • 2x minchi drill, handheld in use
  • 2x 350mm hyper bazooka, handheld in use
  • 2x 4-barrel beam gatling gun, handheld in use
  • 2x 8-tube missile launcher, can be mounted on shoulders, handheld in use
  • 2x sturm faust, handheld in use
  • 2x 120mm machinegun, handheld in use
Technical and Historical Notes:

Additional Info: Pilots:
Core Fighter
Schwarzer Ritter


Class: Baronche Class
Unit Type: Space Battleship
Manufacturer: Centralized Earth Union
Operator: Schwarzer Ritter
First deployment: UE 0023
Dimensions: overall height – 90m, overall length – 270m
Propulsion: 2x Rockets/Thermonuclear Jet Engine
Fixed Armaments: anti-air cannon x20, 3-barrel beam cannon x5, ramming blade
Mobile Suit Capacity: 12 MS total
Catapults: 2
Equipment and Design Features: Invisible Umbrella Stealth System

Technical and Historical Notes

Mobile Weapons: Mosa van Rooyen

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:24 pm
by Omni
Prototype Mobile Weapon

Model Number: XXXG-01Wf
Code Name: Wing Gundam Fenice
Unit Type: customized general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: Centralized Earth Union
Operator: Mosa van Rooyen
Accommodation: pilot only in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height - 16.3m
Weight: base weight - 7.1 tons; full weight - 12.5 tons
Construction: Gundanium Alloy
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor; power rated at 3780kW
Propulsion: 71250 kg
Performance: 5.7 G
Equipment and Design Features: Sensor Range - 50, 000m, Marionette Mobile Doll Control System, Search Eye, Self-Destruct System
Fixed Armaments: 2 x 60mm vulcan gun, mounted in head; 2 x 110mm machinecannon, mounted in upper torso; beam cannon, mounted in right shoulder; beam mantle, emits out of left shoulder
Optional Fixed Armaments: beam rapier, can be mounted in recharge rack on either forearm, doubles as beam machinegun when mounted
Optional Hand Armament: buster rifle custom, consists of buster rifle and small rifle, can also detach and become separate rifles, buster rifle has 3 shot charge, can be mounted on storage rack on right side of back
Remote Weapons: None

Technical and Historical Notes

An upgraded (or downgraded) version of the Wing Gundam Mosa constructed after the original was heavily damaged following battle. The Wing Gundam Fenice was given an odd asymmetrical design to help its pilot remain humble and never forget her defeat. The performance is on-par with that of the original, but it lacks the Bird Mode of the Wing Gundam as a means to increase the units overall stability. The Buster Rifle was upgraded into the Buster Rifle Custom, which houses a detachable beam rifle underneath for extra firepower. In an attempt to mimic the beam shields commonly employed by advanced units, a Beam Cloth was placed inside of the right shoulder which can be used as a defensive weapon, or wrapped around the units arm as a makeshift weapon. Also inside the right shoulder is a beam cannon. Its signature weapon is the beam rapier, which is either a high-output beam saber when hand held, or a beam machinegun when it is connected to its recharge rack. As with her original Wing Gundam, the Fenice is installed with the control system for the Marionette Mobile Dolls. It was named Fenice, the Italian for Phoenix to mark the unit's 'rebirth'.

Mass Production Mobile Weapons

Model Number: OZ-12SMS
Code Name: Marionette Taurus
Unit Type: Transformable mobile doll
Manufacturer: Centralized Earth Union
Operator: N/A
Accommodation: N/A
Dimensions: head height - 16.8m
Weight: empty weight - 7.9 tons; full weight - 12.8 tons
Construction: Titanium alloy
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power rated at 2259 kW
Propulsion: 102400 kg total output
Performance: 5G MS Mode, 8G MA Mode
Equipment and Design Features: Sensor range - 50 000m, Transformation mode, Marionette Mobile Doll AI System
Fixed Armaments: None Optional Fixed Armaments: 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in arms
Optional Hand Armament: beam rifle, can be mounted on main body in fighter mode; beam cannon, can be mounted on main body in fighter mode; laser rifle, can be mounted on main body in fighter mode; shotleader, can be mounted on main body in fighter mode
Remote Weapons: None

Technical and Historical Notes

A customized version of the Taurus Mobile Suit, the Marionette version is designed to operate specially for the Experimental Test Corps. Equipped with Mosa van Rooyen's specialized Marionette Mobile Doll System and a custom weapon she dubbed the Shotleader, the Marionette Taurus is intended to operate exactly to her specifications.

Marionette Mobile Doll System:
A customized Mobile Doll System that Mosa found in her Grandfather's scrapyard when it was attacked by a group of Raiders. The Marionette System is customized to allow for a mother unit to emit orders during combat to the Doll units, allowing them to change combat styles to match different opponents. The mother unit emits a preset code that has been matched with a set of combat tactics through vibrating armour, based on the GN equipped units that the CEU often fielded. The tactics range from a variety of formations, common battle techniques and whatever else can be programmed prior to battle. Its greatest weakness is the distance orders are able to be communicated, which is why Mosa often accompanies the Dolls in her own unit. The Dolls, once having received an order always reply to Mosa with a "Yes, Boss!" to confirm that they've properly received it. She personally chose to give them a digitized version of a young girl's voice, and sees them as her 'sisters'.

Shotleader: A weapon designed to non-lethally eliminate Mobile Suits allowing for ease of capture. In functionality it's exactly like the shotlancer seen used by many Mobile Suits fielded around Colonies, but with one distinct difference. Instead of machinecannons, the weapon is equipped with a trio of plasma leaders around the base of the lance. This allows for the Mobile Suit to trap its target in a cage before disabling it. It's appearance might trick an inexperienced pilot to believe it's just an average shotlancer.


Class: Gaw Assault Carrier
Name: Master Puppeteer
Unit Type: Tactical Aerial Transport Vehicle
Manufacturer: Centralized Earth Union
Operator: Centralized Earth Union
First deployment: Early UE 0000s
Dimensions: length - 147m; height - 63m
Wingspan: 260m
Weight: Unknown
Propulsion: 18 x Thermonuclear Rocket Engine
Fixed Armaments: 2-barrel mega particle gun x 3; three-tube missile launcher x 2; anti-aircraft guns x many; bombs x many
Mobile Suit Capacity: 4x OZ-12SMS Marionette Taurus, 1x XXXG-01Wf Wing Gundam Fenice
Launch Catapults: None
Equipment and Design Features: Tensile anchors, stored in hangers

Technical and Historical Notes

A Gaw Assault carrier modified to carry transformed Mobile Suits with a specialized hanger designed to accommodate that. Instead of the standard thermonuclear jet thrusters, it has rocket engines allowing for it to operate in zero gravity environments. It also features a set of super tensile construction anchors designed to haul mobile suits behind it for quick deployment. As an older carrier, its intended use is for it to deliver its squad, then retreat from the combat zone while delivering its payload.

Mobile Weapons: NPCs

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:35 pm
by Omni
The Reinvented
to come

Master Cosmos

to come

Re: Omni

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:09 am
by voodoc2

Re: Omni

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 10:19 am
by voodoc2

Re: Omni

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:32 am
by voodoc2

Re: Omni

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:33 am
by voodoc2

Re: Omni

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:34 am
by voodoc2

Re: Omni

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:35 am
by voodoc2

Re: Omni

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:36 am
by voodoc2

Re: Omni

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:37 am
by voodoc2

Re: Omni

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:39 am
by voodoc2

Re: Omni

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:40 am
by voodoc2

Re: Omni

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:00 pm
by voodoc2