Model Number: LM314V21
Code Name: Victory 2 Gundam
Unit Type: prototype transformable general-purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: Space Frontier Republic
Operator: Levi Frost
Accommodation: pilot in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso with Core Block System using Core Fighter
Dimensions: mobile suit mode: head height 15.5 meters; Core Fighter: overall length 17.5 meters; Top Fighter with Core Fighter: overall length 17.5 meters; Bottom Fighter with Core Fighter: overall length 21.2 meters
Weight: mobile suit mode: empty 11.5 metric tons, max gross 15.9 metric tons; 23.1 metric tons with full loadout
Construction: Gundarium alloy super ceramic composite; additional anti-beam-coated external armor plates, ejectable
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 7510 kW
Propulsion: 66790 kg total (Minovsky drive thrusters: 2 x 16700 kg; rocket thrusters: 7 x 4770 kg); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 46
Performance: ~17-20G depending on equipment loadout
Equipment and Design Features:
- Core Block system
- M-Drive
- 10 x hardpoints
- targetting sensor
- Assualt/Buster equipment
- 2 x I-Field generator, in shoulder armour plates
Fixed Armaments:
- 2 x vulcan, fire-linked, mounted in head
- 4 x beam saber, stored in forearms
- 2 x beam shield, mounted on elbows
- many x laser mine, stored in skirt armour
Optional Fixed Armaments:
- 1 x mega beam cannon, mounted on shoulder
- 1 x beam spray pod, mounted on shoulder
- 2 x VSBR, mounted on hips
- 6 x micromissile pod, mounted on legs and skirt armour
- 2 x shoulder armour plates, 2 x knee armour plates, 1 x skirt armour plate
Optional Hand Armament:
- 1 x beam rifle, stores 1 x beam pistol, stores 1 x grenade or 1 x multi-launcher
- 1 x beam bazooka
- 1 x mega beam rifle
- 1 x mega beam shield
Model Number: LM312V04+SD-VB03A
Code Name: Victory Gundam/V-Dash Gundam
Unit Type: prototype close-combat transformable mobile suit
Manufacturer: Frontier Commonwealth
Operator: Gavin Frost;
Aion crew
Accommodation: pilot in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso with Core Block System using Core Fighter
Dimensions: mobile suit mode: head height 15.2 meters; Core Fighter: overall length 8.6 meters; Top Fighter with Core Fighter: overall length 11.8 meters; Bottom Fighter with Core Fighter: overall length 16.8 meters
Weight: mobile suit mode: empty 7.6 metric tons, max gross 17.7 metric tons; max gross 20.8 metric tons with Dash configuration
Construction: Gundarium alloy super ceramic composite
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 4780 kW
Propulsion: 79700 kg total (6 x 7390 kg (all operable in mobile suit mode, 2 operable in Core Fighter, 2 operable in Top Fighter, 2 operable in Bottom Fighter), 8 x 4420 kg (all operable in mobile suit mode and in Bottom Fighter)); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 34; rocket thrusters: 93380 kg total (2 x 29010 kg (all operable in mobile suit mode and on Core Fighter/Overhang Pack), 8 x 4420 kg (operable in mobile suit mode only)); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 36
Performance: 4.5G; 4.49G in Dash configuration
Equipment and Design Features:
- Core Block system
- M-Flight
- 8 x hardpoint, 12 in Dash configuration
- Dash Configuration
Fixed Armaments:
- 2 x vulcan, fire-linked, mounted in head
- 4 x beam saber, stored in forearms
- 2 x beam shield, mounted on elbows
Optional Fixed Armaments:
- 2 x Overhang beam cannon
Optional Hand Armament:
- 2 x beam rifle, stores 1 x beam pistol, stores 1 x grenade or 1 x multi-launcher
- 1 x beam bazooka
- 1 x beam smart gun
- 1 x beam trident
- 1 x vulcan cannon
Class: Polis
Name: Aion
Unit Type: stealth-capable all-range combat cruiser
Manufacturer: CSIS Aerospace Industries
Operator: Gavin Frost, Levi Frost
Dimensions: width ~100 meters; length ~300 meters; height ~80 meters
Fixed Armaments:
- many x anti-missile laser turret
Remote Aramament:
- 6 x fin funnel
- 10 x atmospheric bit
Launch Catapults: 2
Mobile Suits: 8
Equipment and Design Features:
- M-Craft
- Mirage Colloid stealth system
- Psycommu system