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Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:23 pm
by MightyDuck
Board Name: MightyDuck
Discord Name: MarvelousDuck
Other Names: Ata
Common Times of Activity: Varies
Other Notes:

Corren Visari

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:27 pm
by MightyDuck
Image ~~Corren Visari~~
Age: 25
Date of Birth: Oct. 27th
Gender: Female
Species: Gundam Fighter
Hair: Black
Eye Color: Blue/Silver
Height: 5'9"
Affiliations: Marked
Profession: Best Sister
Residence: Unknown

"I have power."

  • Corren prefers dresses or long skirts when out in public.
  • She is in excellent shape as expected of a Gundam Fighter
  • Corren's eye color changes when she channels her ki. Her blue eyes grow lighter and lighter until they turn entirely silver.
  • Corren's skin is almost unnaturaly pale despite any amount of time she spends in the sun

Personal Information:
  • Corren has begun a personal crusade against the Marked after seeing her former mentor Master Cosmos fall to them.
  • She is currently under the control of Rudy, another Marked, and unknowingly serves to advance his agenda
  • Views Rudy as her little brother and has an almost obsessive need to keep him safe.

Corren's beginnings as a Gundam Figher were twofold: She was trained by Master Cosmos for a short period, just under a year, that set her on the path and after Cosmos vanished from her life, she encountered Ren-Ko. The Earth-born migrant taught her both how to fight with a staff and the foundations for using her ki, though she never truly understood the latter. Her pride grew as she trained and she strode for the ultimate goal: proving her worth to Master Cosmos. Her search took her to Earth, where she encountered her first Marked.
Her journey took her across the globe, where she encountered the likes of Priscus Nox, Leto Biros, and Andre Nova on her road to her master. She found Master Cosmos at the end of the road but the man didn't live up to her memory. He was Marked, a monster, and didn't even remember who Corren was. It was her first exposure to a Marked and changed her life. She saw in Master Cosmos a shell of the man she remembered, the one she'd held on a pedestal in her mind, and it took a meeting with Vince Veran to finally give her a name to go with her new enemy's face. From there she began the systematic hunt of any Marked she could find that led her to Rudy.
Her fight with Rudy was short and brutal and ended with the powerful Marked consuming Corren's broken body. But he didn't kill her, instead the deceptively small monster turned her. He warped her mind using his abilities and brought her under his thrall. Unknowingly aiding her enemy while she traveled with her 'little brother,' Corren was last seen when Hizir fought the King of Hearts in an abandoned airfield. She then vanished for nearly a year save for a scattered few appearances and always in the company of a blond haired boy.

  • Rudy - Little Brother / Captor
  • Warren Biggs - Older Brother
  • Madalen - Enemy
Personal Holdings:
Primary Mobile Suit:
Respondent Dragon

Combat Style: Onslaught
Corren attacks with an onslaught of blows to try and keep her opponent on their back foot. She utilizes multiple weapons over the course of a fight, from her spear to scarves all the way to the unarmed combat expected of a Gundam Fighter, to assault her foe from all angles. Using her vast reserves of ki to reshape the battlefield through special attacks, Corren assaults her foe from all angles while enduring their attacks in turn.

Kayla Emregan

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:32 pm
by MightyDuck
Image Kayla Emregan
Date of Birth:June 7th
Gender: Female
Hair: Naturally Black, constantly dyed
Eye Color: Green
Affiliations: Marketdome
Profession: Commander
Residence: MDF Hangar, Marketdome

Money is a universal language.

  • Kayla borders on being called petite. While not bony, the commander has very little excess fat on her frame while lacking the definition of an athlete.
  • Kayla's hair is normally black but she constantly dyes it unnatural colors apparently chosen at random when the mood strikes her.
  • Her time in Marketdome has left her with a moderate tan only broken up by surgical scars. Pale surgical scars break up the tone of her skin. An unbroken line of pale skin runs up the outside of each arm, starting at her wrists before rising up over her shoulders and neck to terminate at a dime-sized circular scar just behind each ear. Similar lines trace their way down her chest to meet with another that runs up the middle of her stomach to form a 'Y' shape eerily similar to the cuts used to prepare a body for autopsy.

Personal Information:
  • Kayla loves nothing more than time to herself. She values her privacy and solitude above almost anything else.
  • She has a fear of large, open spaces. A lifetime spent in space, even tempered by nearly a year in Marketdome, has left her feeling deeply uncomfortable without a roof over her head.
  • As the MDF's commander, Kayla prioritizes the protection of her home above anything else and is very blunt about that fact. Her zeal in attending to her duties has left her at odds with those actually in control of the 'Dome but has earned her the respect of the general populace despite her few public appearances and standoffish nature.
  • Kayla was imprisoned by the Black Guard for nearly three years and any mention of them either angers her or terrifies her.
  • Kayla has found true joy in working on and tinkering with mobile suits. She usually spends what little free time she has tuning her current suit or chasing down parts for a new pet project.
  • Kayla is a Coordinator and part of her growth was to give her the ability to sense unusual particles. Large amounts of particles such as Minovsky, Colloid, or GN particles give her headaches when exposed for a long period of time. She is currently unaware of this ability and has not developed a way to filter out just what is causing her constant migraines

Why Kayla was on a ship that was recorded as leaving the Earth Sphere shortly before the Cataclysm on a trip to Mars is a mystery and the reason it returned without ever completing that voyage was lost when the vessel was destroyed, but Kayla was the only remaining member of the crew still alive when it did. Her first encounter with humans in her memory was that of a brief sortie against the Black Guard that ended poorly.

Kayla was captured by the Black Guard shortly after her return to the Earth Sphere and imprisoned for several years while the faction sorted through her ship and mobile suit. She was never a prisoner during her captivity, just a 'guest' who was not allowed to leave. After her ships history revealed what had been attempted on Kayla, the Black Guard took a decided interest in what she was. She began undergoing medical 'procedures' as they tried to find what differences she held from other Coordinators.

Her escape was a thing of careful planning for six months and a hurried escape that lasted all of six minutes. The ship she used to escape, a small craft with barely enough room for her suit, was damaged during the attempt and she found herself on Earth after a crash landing with no real way to escape. Her road led through Florida and around the irradiated America until she landed at Marketdome. After a disastrous trade landed her in an aged mobile suit and lacking in funds, she began working as a mercenary for the small city.

A year later, Kayla believed she had finally found a home and it was falling apart. She was promoted to the Marketdome Defense Force's commander when her predecessor was killed in a bandit attack and attacked her new duties with a zealotry the 'Dome hadn't seen since its founding. More inspections on incoming material and a half-year long campaign to eradicate a tenacious group of bandits earned her both the goodwill of Marketdome's general populace and the ire of it's overlords. When the Marketdome CEOs brought in private mercenary companies and exploited a loophole in the city's charter to give them reign over local law enforcement, Kayla accepted her political defeat with curses and a building anger that she would use to make her city better regardless of what her superiors thought was best.

  • Daine Statehill - Kayla's current second in command. A long serving MDF pilot, Daine's massive form is never far away from his commander and he serves as both a voice of reason when her emotions get the better of her and the only man she confides in. He is currently the only one aware of her past imprisionment.
  • Viridian - The Princess' bodyguard originally caught Kayla's attention because of his unnatural hair color. He remains an acquaintance but has provided her with the seeds of a plan for her troubles in Marketdome.
  • Throne Trio - The trio of mercenary pilots using the Throne Gundams have a special place in Kayla's book of third party contractors as a reliable force to call on when she needs to bring the hammer down on an uppity group of bandits.
Personal Holdings:
  • Keraunos-refit Zanzibar Rustbucket
  • RX-78GP00 Gundam "Blossom"
  • Blossom Mod1 Equipmment - A custom package from scavenged parts of a Dom Barrage. Kayla has attached the Dom's hover thrusters to the Blossom's legs in this configuration. The Gundam's beam cannon and radome are replaced by the Dom's 10mm Gatling Cannon and accompanying ammo drum.
  • Kayla is the current Commander of the Marketdome Defense Force and can lead it into battle as needed.
Primary Mobile Suit:
RX-78GP00 Gundam "Blossom

Combat Style: Fire Support
Kayla despises close range combat in a mobile suit and her style shows it. She has a preference for heavy firepower, be it large caliber solid weaponry or high output beams, and can fire on targets at range with surprising accuracy. She still uses any weapon at her disposal when enemies close on her and attempts to keep the fight out of melee range whenever possible. While this style makes her best suited to work beside someone to run interception for her as she fires, the woman is still a deadly foe to encounter at long range.

Image Garret Caleson
Age: 40
Date of Birth: August 26
Gender: Male
Species: Latent Newtype
Hair: Brown / Grey
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6’1”
Affiliations: Marketdome
Profession: Merchant & Mercenary
Residence: Marketdome

~~Character Quote goes here~~

  • Garret is a tall, broad shouldered man who was likely a titan in his prime and has begun to show the signs of age and the toll of a hard life in the desert. His squared facial features are masked by a brown goatee streaked with liberal amounts of gray hair and the thick stubble that runs up his jawline. A life spent in the Californian deserts has weathered his lightly tanned skin and left prominent crows feet around his eyes.
  • The trader captain has maintained a solid build with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He moves with a confidence that hides the many aches and pains brought on by age and injury. Several scars of various origins cover his body and range from healed burns to the inevitable gunshot wounds. Despite this and a shoulder that is as much metal pins and rods as bone, Garret maintains the image of the confident businessman despite his aversion to traditional business attire.

Personal Information:
  • Garret is a man who values a good plan with the understanding that the world will never follow it. As such the merchant exploits almost every advantage he can in pursuit of his current goal, whether that is making a profit off the goods he transports to and from Marketdome or simply finding the best liquor he can in his down time. A shrewd negotiator, Garret exploits openings with only a moderate sense of morality. He has a need to be in the fight, to be at the negotiation table, and often comes across as overbearing.
  • The former warlord values little else than good companionship at the bar, good spirited haggling (in his favor), and rules. He is one of many that assume most rules exist to keep a natural order… with some room to maneuver. Everything has a process, which means it can be exploited to small degrees to gain an advantage. Deals that stray to far from his own preconceived idea of how they should be handled make him irritable and while he does his best to remain flexible, his temper is quick to show itself if a situation goes too far off script. He aims for a simple life and moves from one trade to another and only allows himself a small amount of downtime before continuing the never ending chase for credits.

Garrets early life is as unremarkable as a grain of sand in a desert. As one of many mercenaries fighting under the banner of a Californian warlord for territory, salvage, and credits, he proved himself an adequate but unremarkable foot soldier. The truly lucky break that elevated him was as much fluke as skill when he detonated a rival warlord’s mobile suit with a well placed shot to an unshielded ammo drum.

Garret was set on a crash course for relevance whether he wanted to or not from that point on. The many skirmishes and battles that would establish Marketdome as a city took place shortly after and he did extinguish himself there. He rose through the ranks on respect and growing skill until he was at the head of one of the five bands who would establish the future trade city. Those five men sat down in a conference room of the abandoned superdome and when it came time to establish themselves as the current leaders of that new city, Garret walked away.

Varying accounts say that Garret left because of bad blood or ideological differences with the four other men who would become Marketdome’s CEOs. Some say that he was forced to leave in what was the first power grab the city would experience. The truth, as usual, was far simpler and less clear cut. Garret didn’t want to spend his days governing a city or making credits off a spread sheet. He wanted to be on the ground, goods in one hand and the other open to accept the money himself. Most of his men stayed with the city, forming the core of what would become the Marketdome Defense Force, while others scoffed at their leader throwing away exponentially larger gains and signed on with the companies that rose to power.

Garret took payment for services rendered in the form of an unearthed prototype found beneath the superdome and took to the desert as a ‘simple’ merchant, offering both physical goods and his services as a mercenary. Life was easier that way. It fit the plan.

  • Marketdome - Garret has a strained relationship with the official entities inside Marketdome. They tolerate him well enough but his refusal at the city’s founding left plenty of bad blood in his wake.
  • Kayla Emregan - Kayla and Garret have never met but they have heard of each other. Most of the men who followed Garret founded the MDF and some still linger, making sure the current MDF commander has heard the exaggerated tales about Garret’s exploits. Garret, likewise, has kept an eye on the state of the MDF and its new rookie commander.
Personal Holdings:
  • Pyrennes-class Ranger
  • 5x ReZel
Primary Mobile Suit:
MSW-004 Gundam Kestrel

Combat Style: Mix Up
Garret takes a fight from long range to close and back constantly in an attempt to disorient his opponents and keep them off balance. While he could best be described as a jack of all trades when it comes to long, mid, and close range combat, Garret’s true strength is how well he blends them into a cohesive and deadly style.

Atariel Evermoore

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:39 pm
by MightyDuck
Image Atariel Evermoore
Age: 33
Date of Birth: 10/10
Gender: Female
Species: Oldtype
Hair: White
Eye Color: Crystal Blue
Height: 5'5"
Affiliations: CEU
Profession: Pilot
Residence: Based on Assignment

I have razed nations and brought down the mighty. You cannot stop me.

  • Formerly an amazonian cyborg, Atariel's new body is surprisingly small. While not petite, it is somewhat surprising Atariel abandoned physical intimidation when choosing her new body
  • Atariel has three spines jutting from her back, marking her as someone who has undergone the surgical process needed to use the Alaya-Vijnana system found in the ancient suits recently unearthed across the world

Personal Information:
  • Atariel's new body is vat-grown and was provided by Priscus Nox. It is entirely biological with no unnatural additions, a stark contrast to her former robotic shell.
  • Unstable at the best of times, Atariel's anger is easily roused and difficult to extinguish. Her time spent as Mockingbird, the personality written over her own by Alfimi Elwren, and the means by which she forced her true self back to the surface has left her with a sociopathic streak. She thinks little for individual human lives past what they can do for her.
  • A condition for her re-admittance to the Union, especially after razing Azadistan to the ground with the Shamblo, is to restrain herself. This is a leash she has willingly placed around her neck in a desperate effort to find a purpose in the world again.
  • Atariel has respect for strength and little else, be it strength of arms or personality.

Atariel enlisted in the Black Guard after the destruction of her home town. Shortly into her service she drew the attention of the faction's leader, Alfimi. Recruited for Alfimi's own black ops squadron, Atariel spent several years in service to the Black Guard's leader. She was changed during that service and as treachery made Alfimi more focused on loyal servants, Atariel was molded to fit that image. Before she was frozen and stored in cryostats, Atariel had become an efficient killing machine who obeyed Alfimi without question. She was the perfect right hand.

After the Cataclysm, when Union engineers unearthed her damaged shelter, Atariel had changed. She was still loyal to Alfimi but a faulty stasis unit had degraded her mental facilities. She took Alfimi's prior approach, that the strong rule above all, and twisted it to animistic proportions. She was a much more unstable person during her service, especially while kidnapping Kit Langley and imprisoning her in Alaska. It was here that she began grooming the girl to be her own successor, someone to serve her while she worked to depose the now "weak" Alfimi. Her former master had also changed during the Cataclysm and was approaching Atariel for friendship as much as service. Atariel intended to replace her.

Her plans were cut short when, during an attempt to rescue Kit from the Alaskan base, Atariel's mobile armor was shot done and she was trapped during the firing of a CYCLOPS system. With most of her body burned, Alfimi made the decision to upload Atariel's mind into the RAVEN mobile suit. She also rewrote Atariel's personality during the upload process, turning her into the soldier 'Mockingbird.' Mockingbird was loyal and, more importantly, stable. The Mockingbird persona held fast until Alfimi led her into battle against Jacobin, Garr Shyver, and Kit Langley. During the battle, Atariel seized control of her body again and fled the field swearing vengeance against Alfimi.

She went into hiding and began the laborious process of isolated and removing the fail safes planted in her artificial body by Alfimi. Removed from society with only herself for company, Atariel and the Mockingbird personality merged into a single cohesive identity. When she emerged from hiding, the woman had much of Mockingbird's stability to support her psychotic desire for vengeance and to remain strong. She gathered a group of mercenaries to her, bending each one to her will through respect and fear, and began to plan how to destroy Alfimi and the Union. Her first problem was the Raiden was useless. The suit carried too much risk despite its technological strengths and Atariel was forced to seek help. The CEU had no shortage of enemies and she began to work as a hired soldier. The profession was new to her and the reliance on others chafed at her sensibilities, but she managed to complete enough missions and gain enough of a reputation that she attracted the attention of the Sidhe.

The group were a small collective of militant anti-Union terrorists. They knew who Atariel had been and, more importantly, had a powerful mobile armor secreted away. Alfimi's former right hand was shipped to their underwater base and briefed on the organization's abilities. It wasn't much and Atariel wasn't in charge but she saw the potential, the opportunity that the Sidhe represented. Her first real sorte with Sidhe was to take the Shamblo on a raid of the small country of Azadistan. A brief battle with the F91 Gundam ended in the mercenary retreating and leaving Atariel to destroy most of the city-state's infrastructure before departing.

Her payment for the job was unique and one only a man like Priscus, with his vast resources in and outside of the Union, could provide: a real body. 'Alive' again after having her mind transferred into the cloned body, her first act was to seek out her former mentor and confront the woman. She met Alfimi twice, once in France where she posed as a Sidhe agent to see just what had become of the woman and again when Alfimi arrived in Ireland to meet her. Their confrontation began a long period of silence from the maniacal woman, something anyone who knew her would see as a clear sign of trouble on the horizon.

Atariel resurfaced after discovering the Astaroth Origin. An almost desperate bid brought her back into the Union fold under strict conditions and heavy scrutiny that she welcomed. Whatever else the Union had become since she had last served in it, it would need soldiers like her whether they admitted it or not. She could be the attack dog of the faction, if not an individual, again.

  • Alfimi Elwren - Alfimi has been a prominent figure in Atariel's life almost since the first time she set foot in a mobile suit's cockpit. Her one time mentor and superior betrayed Atariel's trust after nearly killing her in Alaska and forcibly rewriting her mind to be a loyal servant. This weakness and betrayal fractured her already damaged mind further and had a large part in turning her into the unstable killer she would become. Atariel has done everything she can to be 'better' than Alfimi, to beat her in everything the woman tried to achieve. Atariel has resolved to take the woman's life only after she feels she has truly surpassed the woman
  • Priscus Nox- Atariel has a grudging respect for Priscus despite his foppish exterior. He was one of the only people to treat her with the respect she feels she deserves after her departure from the Union.
  • Kit - One of the few people Atariel won't kill on a whim. Atariel had high hopes for Kit to follow in her footsteps and become truly strong. While she has not seen the woman for some time, their mutual service under Alfimi has left her unsure of just what to make of her former ally.
Personal Holdings:
  • ASW-G-29 Gundam Astaroth Origin
  • AMA-X7 Shamblo
Primary Mobile Suit:
ASW-G-29 Gundam Astaroth Origin
Primary Mobile Suit:
AMA-X7 Shamblo

Combat Style: Reckless Veteran
Atariel has spent her entire life fighting in mobile suits. The results have left her with a solid understanding and proficiency at all ranges. Despite this, her preference has always been to engage in close quarters combat. She is a ferocious foe to engage with and fights with a reckless abandon that makes it difficult to keep up with the tempo she sets. Willingly accepting less than lethal blows to her own equipment to go for the throat is par for the course.

NPC - Faction - Marketdome

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:58 pm
by MightyDuck

Goals: To become a major trading hub on the Earth among all factions and gain substantial wealth by branching out to multiple sites across the globe and focusing on mercantilism-style governments tuned for the post-Cataclysm world. They aim to be affordable and ask few questions about the goods that come through the 'dome so long as they do not put the city at risk.

Location/Territory Controlled: Marketdome, a large city centered around a ruined superdome near the former location of 29 Palms, California.

Marketdome is built around the titular superdome and its districts have naturally formed into 4 major quarters. Residential buildings and offices for the merchants who can afford the relatively high rent that comes with being close to the dome occupy the Northern and Eastern quarters around the dome, while the largest and well equipped warehouses sprawl along the main road into the dome from the South. The Western district is filled stores, restaurants, and other infrastructure that residents need. Neighborhoods have sprung up around these four districts as the city grew and mostly adhere to the practical needs of the residents and which district they work in.

Population: WIP

Notable Force Divisions:

Marketdome Mobile Defense Force:
Marketdome's defense force is hampered by the lack of any meaningful budget and a fear of building up a military force that would draw the ire of the CEU, its closest neighbor. As such they keep one refit Zanzibar class ship and a small contingent of mobile suits in a small rebuilt base on the outskirts of Marketdome. This force acts as both a peacekeeping force and guard a 20 mile radius around the city itself. Due to the nature of some of the deals in Marketdome, the MMDF are often called to confiscate weapons deemed too deadly or that would draw the attention of the Union from grey-market merchants. The MMDF has recently been forced into a purely military role after Marketdome's governing CEOs hired four PMCs to police the city as law enforcement. While still confiscating weapons, the Defense Force primarily keeps the regional bandits in check.

1x Keraunos-refit Zanzibar class Rustbucket
12x RGM-79 King GM
1x RX-78GP00 Gundam "Blossom"

Security Forces:
Each of the four CEOs who make up the 'board' that governs the city has employed a different private security firm to police the city. This has caused the four companies to become pawns in their employer's efforts to bring more of the city under their control and gain an edge over each other. Each PMC operates at street level and enforces their respective CEOs various taxes, owed payments, and any other regulations that do not fall directly under the Defense Force's purview. The level of enforcement varies from professional competence akin to an actual police force to barely being more than enforcers.

Plot Listing

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:16 pm
by MightyDuck

Shifting Markets


The four CEOs governing Marketdome disliked the zealous approach Kayla took to her duties as the Defense Force's commander. After several less-than-legal trades were disrupted by the Defense Force, they brought in four different private military contractors to act as the city's police force and as enforcers for their own territory grabs within Marketdome's borders. This left Marketdome's populace even more exposed to the board's political machinations. Kayla and her forces were relegated to patrols outside of the city, something she is less than happy about.

Plot Accessibility:
This plot is open to anyone who wants to participate. Message me on Discord to brainstorm ideas.

Thread Listing:

Mobile Weapons: Corren Visari

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:18 pm
by MightyDuck

Model Number: UDS-002
Code Name: Respondent Dragon
Unit Type: Mobile Fighter
Manufacturer: Unknown
Operator: Corren Visari
Accommodation: Pilot only, cockpit in torso
Dimensions: 16.5 meters
Weight: empty weight: 8.0 metric tons, max gross weight: 20 tons
Construction: Gundarium alloy super-ceramic composite rare metal hybrid
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rated at 9000 kW
Propulsion: 3x 22,000KG thrusters, mounted on back. 2x 15,000KG thrusters, one in each foot
Performance: 4.8G
Equipment and Design Features: Mobile Trace System, Berserker System
Fixed Armaments: 2x 110mm machinecannons, mounted in head, 2x Beam Emitters, mounted in palms, 2x Beam Emitters mounted in knees, 2x Beam Emitters mounted on forearms.
Optional Fixed Armaments: 2x Weighted Monowire reels, mounted on hips.
Optional Hand Armament: 1x I-fielded staff
Remote Weapons: N/A
Ultimate Techniques: Shining Finger
Technical and Historical Notes
The Respondent was built and given to Corren specifically to allow her to fight beside Rudy but it existed as a concept to test the Berserker System. When Corren was selected as the pilot and production began, the design was modified and several emitters installed on the mobile fighter's body to allow Corren to utilize the vast stores of ki Rudy had seen her utilize in their first fight. The staff was created to give Corren a weapon she was familiar with that could block any type of melee weapon a mobile suit could reasonably bring against it, namely beam melee weapons.
Mass Production Mobile Weapons: N/A

Mobile Weapons: Atariel Evermoore

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:20 pm
by MightyDuck
Model number: AMA-X7
Code name: Shamblo
Unit type: prototype amphibious mobile armor
Operator: Atariel Evermoore
First deployment: Azadistan
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in main body
Dimensions: overall height 31.8 meters (land combat form); overall length 77.8 meters (underwater cruising form)
Weight: empty 196.8 metric tons; max gross 283.9 metric tons
Armor materials: Gundarium alloy
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 21460 kW
Propulsion: Minovsky craft system: 226480 kg total; hovering system
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 12800 meters (land); 240 km (underwater sonar); psychoframe cockpit
Fixed armaments: large-caliber mega particle cannon, mounted in nose; 2 x large iron nail, mounted on main body; 2 x diffuse mega particle cannon, mounted on shoulders
Remote weapons: 12 x reflector bit, stored in main body

Model number: ASW-G-29
Code name: Astaroth Origin
Unit type: Transformable High Mobility General-Purpose Mobile Suit
Operator: Atariel Evermoore
First deployment: Defense of Caelin Hill
Accommodation: pilot only, standard Alaya-Vijnana cockpit
Dimensions: overall height 18.5 meters
Weight: 32.2 Tons
Armor materials: Nano-laminate Armor
Powerplant: 2x Ahab Reactor
Propulsion: Ahab Thrusters, Thermal Phase Transition Thrusters
Equipment and design features: AV system, Energy Transmission System, Flight Form
Optional Hand Armaments: 150mm Shotgun, γ Nanolaminate Sword, Sledgehammer

Technical and Historical Notes:
  • Special Energy Transmission Mechanism: A unique feature of the Astaroth's Gundam Frame that allows compressed Ahab Particles to be transmitted through the right forearm connector cable to the γ Nanolaminate Sword
  • Flight Form
  • : By deploying the shoulder armor and booster tail, Astaroth can enter Flight Form, which is developed with the expectation that it would allow the Astaroth Origin to be used for wide area battle.[1] In this form, the Astaroth Origin has independent long distance cruising capability several times that of normal MS, and can fly at high altitude in the atmosphere as well as glide for an extended period.

Mobile Weapons: Kayla Emregan

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:32 pm
by MightyDuck
Mobile Weapons

Prototype Mobile Weapon


Model Number: RX78GP00
Code Name: Gundam GP00 "Blossom"
Unit Type: Prototype general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: GaoGao Heavy Industries
Operator: Kayla
Accommodation: 1x pilot, in standard cockpit/linear seat in torso.
Dimensions: overall height: 19 meters, head height: 18.5 meters
Weight: empty weight: 35.7 tons; max gross: 71 tons
Construction: Gundarium Alloy
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rated at 2190kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2x rated at 42000kg (replaced by mod1 hover jets), 4x rated at 12000
Performance: 1.83g ; 2.14 without Radome or Rifle; Equipped with mod1 parts: 2.4G
Equipment and Design Features: Sensors, range unknown; Minovsky Particle Interference Wave Searcher (MPIWS), mounted on left backpack mount
Fixed Armaments: long-range beam rifle, power rating unknown, mounted on backpack behind right shoulder and hand-operated in use; 2 x beam saber (doubles as beam gun), stored in shoulders, hand-carried in use; 1x Beam Machinegun, mounted in right forearm;
Optional Fixed Armaments: 1x 100mm Gatling Cannon, mounted on left arm, hand operated; 1x Long Range Beam Rifle, mounted on right shoulder, hand operated;
Optional Hand Armament: 1x shield, hand carried in use; 1x beam rifle, hand carried in use
Remote Weapons: N/A
Technical and Historical Notes

The Blossom itself is a remarkable unit for something so dated. Its MIPWS system allows it to ignore most effects of Minovsky spread on its sensors and its rifle is a powerful long ranged weapon. However the unit suffered from an underpowered reactor, limiting the shots available to the weapon. The rifle itself was prone to overheating and the suit itself lacked a linear seat and made piloting the machine difficult. While installing a linear seat was a simple task, Kayla found that she needed a more reliable weapon system that would allow her to use the Blossom in more varied scenarios.

The mod1 Heavy Weapons fit is a modification to the Blossom done by Kayla after a skirmish with a band of raiders on the outskirts of Marketdome. Prompted by her lack of firepower after the suit's long beam rifle overheated and the salvaged remains of a Dom Barrage, Kayla modified the suit's weaponry to mount on the suit's arm and rotating back mounts. Taking inspiration from another suit that participated in the skirmish, Kayla and the team of mechanics installed a smaller beam machine gun in the Blossom's left arm to round out its armament. The mod1 was intended to allow the Blossom increased mobility on the ground to combat the prevalent use of Doms and similar mobile suits in the deserts around the city. However mounting the salvaged cannon and the MIPWS radome required a customized Core Fighter and stripped away the two extra thrusters provided by the Core Booster II. Additionally, the entire mod1 assembly prevented the core fighter from being used until the ammo drum was purged. To compensate for the lost thrust, the mod1 has an extra set of powerful rocket thrusters on its legs to give it a similar hovering capacity to the Dom series of mobile suits.

Mass Production Mobile Weapons:

Model Number: RGM-79
Code Name: King GM
Unit Type: Heavy Assault Mobile Suit
Manufacturer: Marketdome
Operator: Marketdome Mobile Defense Force
Accommodation: 1x pilot in panoramic cockpit in torso
Dimensions: Head Height: 18 meters
Weight: Empty weight: 50 tons, Max gross: 75 Tons
Construction: Titanium Alloy/ Ceramic Composite
Powerplant: Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor rated at 1300kW
Propulsion: 2x rocket thrusters rated at 15000kg, mounted on waist; 2x thrusters rated at 19250kg, mounted on backpack
Performance: 1.5G
Equipment and Design Features:
Fixed Armaments: 2x 60mm vulcan cannons, mounted in head; 2x Beam Cannon, mounted on backpack
Optional Fixed Armaments: 2x 2-tube Large Missile pods, mounted on legs; 2x 4-tube medium missile pod, mounted on shoulders
Optional Hand Armament: Twin Beam Spear, hand carried; 1x Spiked solid shieldRemote Weapons:
Technical and Historical Notes
The King GM is an amalgam of various GM parts that have come through Marketdome with enough regularity to be assembled into several similar units. With a mind for defense, the King GM was constructed to hold a position with immense firepower rather than chase down an enemy and was outfitted with a heavy armor kit to increase its staying power against more advanced mobile suits.


Class: Zanzibar (Keraunos refit)
Name: Rustbucket
Unit Type: mobile cruiser
Manufacturer: Marketdome-refit
Operator: Marketdome Mobile Defense Force
First deployment:
Dimensions: overall length 255 meters; overall height 70.5 meters
Wingspan: overall width 221.8 meters;
Propulsion: 4x jet/rocket engines
Fixed Armaments: 1 x 2-barrel main gun; 4 x mega particle gun; 5 x 2-barrel machine gun
Mobile Suit Capacity: 1x GP-00 w/ mod1 components
Launch Catapults: 2
Equipment and Design Features: Supplemental Booster

Ricard Outridge

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:42 pm
by MightyDuck
Image Ricard Outridge
Age: 35
Date of Birth: 4/11
Gender: Male
Species: Oldtype
Hair: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6'2"
Affiliations: Frontier Commonwealth
Profession: Commander
Residence: Odysseus

Ricard Outridge, Captain of the Odysseus, at your service.

  • Ricard is in good shape and labors to stay that way despite having spent the majority of his life in zero gravity. He views his fitness to be as important a symbol as his uniform rather than any notable desire for strength.
  • The Odysseus' captain also keeps his hair, goatee, and mustache precisely trimmed to maintain the professional appearance he was known for even before joining the Commonwealth
  • While Ricard has swapped the medals of his former mercenary outfit for Commonwealth awards, he has kept the black and red uniform he wore as a member of the Privateers. In keeping with his sensibilities, the dress uniform he wears while not on board his ship is precisely tailored and constantly laundered to keep it spotless.
  • A fondness for cigars has made the faint scent of cedar and spices a noticeable smell when in close proximity to Ricard.

Personal Information:
  • Ricard was trained in a specific style of command while serving with the Privateers. Naval courtesies and customs that almost seem outdated are the bread and butter of life aboard his ship despite having been adjusted for modern times. A large part of this is how Ricard conducts himself and he is strives to be polite and professional to those he meets in any official capacity.
  • The Odysseus' captain expects the same professionalism from his crew but he cares for his men with an almost single-minded intensity as a result. While never shirking away from the need to send them into combat for the Commonwealth, Ricard strives to avoid casually spending the lives of his subordinates. His men are as much family to him as his biological lineage and he treats them as such when duty does not interfere.
  • Ricard's stoic mask only slips when dealing with pirates and, to a lesser extent, criminals. He deals with those types of scum ruthlessly and without any of his typical levelheadedness or mercy.

Captain Ricard Outridge always enjoyed space travel. His family ran a small shipping operation, contracted by a larger mining corporation, and he spent as much time as he could aboard one transport or another. This interest was increased as the boy developed a love of fiction novels set on the high seas of the seventeenth and eighteenth century. His parents cultivated their son's fascination with ships of all kinds with the hope that he would take over their company, unaware that their acceptance would lead him in an entirely different direction. Pirate activity increased dramatically in the years after the cataclysm and the Outridge Supply business was in danger of going bankrupt, leaving his family penniless in an increasingly hostile world. The young man had made a name for himself as a remarkably skilled pilot, both in a ship and in the civilian mobile suits the company used for maintenance, and he turned his youthful energy and sharp mind towards "saving" his family.

Ricard signed on with a mercenary ship who had accepted the contract put out on a local band of pirates. Eager to prove himself, the young man's skills placed him at the head of a squadron of mobile suits. He commanded his four-man team during the sortie against the pirates admirably, but youthful overconfidence saw all but one of the men under his command killed and Ricard himself placed in the ship's infirmary for several weeks. When he was given a clean bill of health, Ricard returned to his family. The man's visit was brief and he faced his disappointed parents with the weight of three lives on his shoulders. A sense of honor and duty bred by years of stories and youthful ideals compelled him to stay with the mercenaries and repay the deceased. This started an almost meteoric rise through the mercenary ranks.

Twelve years later, Ricard Outridge was the Executive Officer on board a newly built ship bought with five years worth of pay. The Odysseus was a sleek warship designed to do what the Privateers had always done: hunt pirates. After the christening, Ricard returned to his quarters to find a message waiting for him. An urgent plea from his family had reached the ship, delayed by distance and faulty relay stations. Outridge Supply had taken a large contract to assist a "newly formed colony." His parents had accompanied the first shipment as a sign of respect for their new, wealthy, client. The message they had sent was a distress call, an SOS sent across thousands of miles. The Outridge Supply fleet had come under attack by an unknown force and the Outridges called out to the first person they thought of: their son.

Ricard beseeched his commanding officer to go after the convoy. After an agonizingly long day he agreed and the Privateers sped towards the belt with all haste, guided by their executive officer. The Odysseus never reached the Belt. A pirate coalition, formed in the wake of the Privateer's success, had formed in the void of space with the sole purpose of reassuming superiority in their small corner of the galaxy. The following campaign would last years and see the Privateers both victorious and savagely mauled by their enemies. The captain of Odysseus and leader of the mercenaries died halfway through the conflict and the Executive Officer stepped up to command the battleship. Ricard was 32 and had finally confirmed what he had been fearing since the miniature war began: his parents hadn't survived. They had been the bait used to get the Odysseus where the pirated wanted her.

The newly promoted Captain fought his ship and single mobile suit contingent with a fury the Privateers had never seen before. A series of increasingly risky and aggressive actions over the course of three years saw the Privateers destroy their enemies. The Odysseus emerged broken, barely held together by whatever field repairs the skeleton crew had been able to come up with, and dangerously low on supplies. Her captain turned his ship back towards inhabited space with the hope that his battered ship would make it that far.

Personal Holdings:
  • Girty Lue Class Odysseus
  • 1x MSN-001A1 Delta Plus
  • 3x RGZ-95C ReZel Commander
  • 9x RGZ-95 ReZel
  • 12x ReZel Defensor A & B parts
Primary Mobile Suit:
Delta Plus

Combat Style: Blitzkreig
Ricard has spent his entire adult life hunting pirates and his personal combat style was formed from these lightning strikes utilized by the Privateers. He favors a rapid and overwhelming initial assault followed by hit and run attacks from all angles with supporting units

Mobile Weapons: Ricard Outridge

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:53 pm
by MightyDuck

Model number: MSN-001A1
Code name: Delta Plus
Unit type: prototype transformable strike mobile suit
Manufacturer: Anaheim Electronics
Operator: Londo Bell
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 19.6 meters (mobile suit mode)
Weight: empty 27.2 metric tons; max gross 60.8 metric tons
Armor materials: Gundarium alloy
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 2360 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 92400 kg total
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 16200 meters; biosensor
Fixed armaments: 2 x 60mm vulcan gun, mounted in head; shield, features beam cannon and 2-tube grenade launcher, mounts on left arm in mobile suit mode and as nose in waverider mode; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in shield, hand-carried in use in mobile suit mode, can function as beam guns in waverider mode
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle


Model number: RGZ-95
Code name: ReZEL
Unit type: mass production transformable mobile suit
Manufacturer: Anaheim Electronics
Operator: Londo Bell
First deployment: UC 0095
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 20.5 meters
Weight: empty 25.8 metric tons; max gross 57.6 metric tons
Armor materials: Gundarium alloy
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 2220 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 81500 kg total
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 14920 meters
Fixed armaments: 2 x 60mm vulcan gun, mounted in head; 2 x grenade launcher, mounted on right forearm; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge rack in left forearm, hand-carried in use; shield, features beam cannon, mounts on left forearm in mobile suit mode and underneath main body in waverider mode

Optional fixed armaments:
Defenser a & b units
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, can emit long beam saber, mounts underneath main body in waverider mode


Model number: RGZ-95C
Code name: ReZEL (Commander Type)
Unit type: transformable commander type mobile suit
Manufacturer: Anaheim Electronics
Operator: Londo Bell
First deployment: UC 0095
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 20.5 meters
Weight: empty 28.1 metric tons; max gross 62.8 metric tons
Armor materials: Gundarium alloy
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 2220 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 85400 kg total
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 14920 meters
Fixed armaments: 2 x 60mm vulcan gun, mounted in head; 2 x grenade launcher, mounted on right forearm; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge rack in left forearm, hand-carried in use; shield, features beam cannon, mounts on left forearm in mobile suit mode and underneath main body in waverider mode

Optional fixed armaments: Defenser a & b units
Optional hand armaments: mega beam launcher, mounts on top of main body in waverider mode

Re: MightyDuck

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:15 am
by voodoc2

Re: MightyDuck

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 10:24 am
by voodoc2

Re: MightyDuck

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:43 am
by voodoc2

Re: MightyDuck

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:44 am
by voodoc2

Re: MightyDuck

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:45 am
by voodoc2

Re: MightyDuck

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:46 am
by voodoc2

Re: MightyDuck

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:48 am
by voodoc2

Re: MightyDuck

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:49 am
by voodoc2

Re: MightyDuck

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:50 am
by voodoc2