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Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:14 pm
Board Name: GEAR
Discord Name: GEAR
Other Names: Phal
Common Times of Activity: Real Aloha Hours
Other Notes: Allegedly Literally Hitler


Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:15 pm
Player Characters


Name: Alfimi Elwren
Gender: Female
Age: 48
Date of Birth: June 6th, 102 Post Departure
Height: 5'7
Weight: 175lbs
Hair color: Blue
Eye color: Red
Ethnicity: Earth, North America, of European descent
Race: Android
Original Timeline: Solar Era
Affiliations: Black Guard (Former), Neo Terra Firma Republic (Former), Central Earth Union, Ambra Sestinas
Profession: Mobile Suit Test Pilot
Residence: Forodwaith, Laurelin Colony, Archeon Bunch, The Breakers
Character Theme: Machine Says Yes - FC Kahuna

Combat Style: Combat Style: Dogfighter
Strengths: Alfimi is a flexible, experienced pilot with few real weaknesses, but also few specializations, allowing her to fit into any battlefield role or mobile suit comfortably. As a leader, she is also quick to take command of a situation, and will rally others around a common goal by leading the charge. What makes her stand out in spite of her lack of specialization, is her considerable bravery even against impossible odds, and her blitz-like strategy of quickly closing the distance and overwhelming her opponent. Alfimi's loyalty, once earned, is nigh-unbreakable, and if one of these individuals were in harm's way, her performance increases exponentially, to the point of putting her own life on the line for theirs without a second thought.

Weaknesses: In spite of her long track record, Alfimi is an average pilot at best, most notably owing to her inability to control her emotions on the battlefield, who struggles against opponents that can play to their strengths. Furthermore, her willingness to put herself in danger to scrape out a win often backfires, or leads to her victories being Pyrrhic at best, suffering great harm to either herself or her mobile suit. Her preferred style of battle is a short one, and due to the damage she is likely to inflict on herself due to high-speed combat, she is almost guaranteed to lose a protracted engagement.

- Alfimi's cybernetic body is a "hardshell" type, previously inhabited by Sara Janovsky.
-Tall, with a fairly average, if athletic physique.
-Generally has good posture, but prone to slouching when in a sulk. Likes to wear practical, outdoors-friendly clothing, such as snow jackets, long slacks, old uniform, tank-tops, etc; but keeps a small, precious collection of dresses for elaborate occasions.
-Rarely paints her nails, wears makeup, earrings, as her cybernetic face is eerily free of blemishes, giving her a disturbing artificial beauty.
-Particularly proud of her long, blue hair, which she maintains with the utmost care every day.


Forcibly ripped from her flesh and melded with the malevolent System Raven, the cybernetic shade of Alfimi Elwren that persists is a complex entity. What is the result of her mechanical state and what is simply the woman before is murky, at best, as the two have so long mingled that seperating them has become almost impossible.

To her enemies, Alfimi Elwren is a cold, calculating woman capable of inhuman barbarity, mass murder, and remorseless slaughter in pursuit of her goals - no different from a Mobile Doll. This comparison is not without merit, as when not in the grips of passion, she can be sound, objective... and ruthlessly efficient.
Striding fearlessly across even the deadliest battlefields grasping a banner in one hand and a weapon in the other, she inspires loyalty by leading directly from the front lines, and her bravery in the face of even insurmountable odds is well documented in the annals of the Union she helped found.

At heart, however, she is a woman of deep emotion: fierce loyalty, passionate love, towering fury, stomache-churning fear, and agonizing sorrow - she feels the entire spectrum as powerfully as when she was alive. These frequently override her well-honed professional sensibilities, and she's becomes not above leading personally-motivated crusades to crush the targets of her ire, not satisfied until only rubble remains.

A guarded and paranoid individual, her trust is difficult to earn. To those very few that earn it, she is relentlessly supportive, self-sacrificing, exciteable, and eager to please - a completely different person, yet the very same, only animated by her sheer joy at their presence. She values these treasured few more than anything in the entire universe, and would commit any atrocity to preserve their safety.

To be the subject of her obsession is both to know the boundless love and devotion of a zealot, but also the never ending trouble they may bring to your door. Her fearlessness, many enemies, and impulsive nature frequently drags those around her into danger, or tars them by association. She is all too happy to swing into action to tear those that threaten her loves limb from limb with contemptuous ease, before skipping gaily back into their arms, seeking affirmation and prase - a jarring reminder to them of her true nature.

Quick to anger and resort to force where intimidation fails, she nevertheless expresses remorse and regret for her actions frequently in private, and strives towards shedding her violent ways, eternally trying to balance her guilt and remorse with her devotion.

She dreams of returning to normal, and living a peaceful, family life with her beloved.

This simple, ordinary hope is what pushes her every step forward... even as it takes her through lakes of blood and viscera.

Only recently has she started to question whether she will ever truly be whole again... and whether her path in life is the correct one. The results of these uncomfortable revelations... Have yet to be seen.

In her original timeline, Alfimi Elwren was a recruit in the Black Guard, hand-picked by the Warmaster Vector Alias to serve as his puppet Chancellor. The easily intimidated, somewhat timid young woman went along with the brutal Warmaster's every command, and after his death, took over the Guard. A short time of peace and general harmony followed, as the vicious crackdowns the Guard was famous for were lifted. However, the Chancellor soon learned (like her predecessor) that force was an effective tool for keeping her new subordinates in line, and quickly consolidated her power and popularity in the Guard's ranks as a
conniving, calculating leader.

Under Alfimi, the horrifi biological experiments undertaken by Alias' secret projects division Section Nine were publicly ended... but the research continued underground, with more funding than ever before, carried out in hidden bunkers across Africa, including the Kilimanjaro mountain base, where the Chancellor poured money and resources into a project for mass-producing Artificial Newtypes. Under her watchful eye, Mobile Dolls
became the backbone of the Guard's army - powerful, fearless, and much like the Artificial Newtype soldiers: completely loyal to her alone.

However, even after amassing tremendous amounts of power, Alfimi was not satisfied with the Guard alone, and sought to expand her dominion even further. Ultimately, she desired to end the terrestrial civil war between the two former groups of the Terra Firma Republic, believing that the Colonial Space Frontier Republic were the true enemies of peace.

In a surprise move, the Chancellor saw fit to end the grueling war with the Maxwellian Intifida, opening the table for talks between the groups, while simultaneously instigating a bloody purge of the Guard's ranks to remove any internal objections. The crackdowns returned, even more terrifying than before, and many began to yearn for the days of Alias, decrying that his successor was an even worse tyrant.

The ultimate result of the talks was the rebirth of the Terra Firma Republic, under the banner of the Neo Terra Firma Republic, restoring the planetwide superpower to it's former glory. It was around this time
that the Chancellor became romantically involved with the head of the Jovian Energy Fleet, Sentradas - a relationship that would shape her future goals almost exclusively, as she worked to accomplish his ends.

However, despite her position of power within the NTFR, Alfimi was met with frustration at every turn. A string of failed operations, including a failed bid to take over the Yellowheim Colony "Meridia", killed off many of her loyalists, as well as losing the support of the military. Maxwell himself seemed to dog her every step, clipping her wings, keeping her out of the political process, rooting out corruption wherever she sought to spread it.

Further adding to her problems were a host of mental and physical instabilities, brought about by the stress of commanding a superpower and a debilitating addiction to the performance-enhancing drug Gamma Glipeptim. During this time, Alfimi displayed wild mood swings, reckless behavior on all fronts, rampant drunkenness, and seemingly fanatical, at worst nonsensical devotion to Sentradas, to whom she had become far more of a liability than an asset. During this time, she began to grow increasingly despairing of military
and political life. Instead, she longed deeply to settle down with her loved one, and start a family.

It was during this time that, one drunken night, she came into close contact with Sara Janovsky, who
strongly sympathized with her situation. The relationship between the two would become extremely important later in her life, and led her to make inroads with the independent group "Exegesis".

Maxwell and Elwren waged an increasingly apparent internal power struggle for the heart of the new superpower, with the end result being Alfimi's incarceration at the Kilimanjaro base, exposed by her former friend and
confidant Kathryn Langley. Placed under house arrest, the Chancellor was put into a treatment program for her various disorders, and began to recover her senses... but the newfound tranquility was short lived, as a
battle soon broke out between her own soldiers, and the terrorist group "Graveyard" seeking to assassinate her.

An armed struggle erupted over the Kilimanjaro base, with Alfimi eventually being rescued from the melee by Sara Janovsky and her companions. However, Sentradas too had sent something to "rescue" her - the deadly mobile weapon, Raven. In a fit of gamma-deprived insanity, Alfimi rejected her friend, and allowed herself to be taken by the Raven - a decision that would cost her dearly.

No ordinary mobile suit, the Raven was, allegedly, designed by Sentradas to contain and rehabilitate the object of his affection by hard-wiring her into a computer system that would serve to correct her various problems. Alfimi was assimilated into the RAVEN System, becoming a powerful weapon for Sentradas, but ultimately unable to fulfill her own dream of a happy family, her body entombed in a wiry cocoon in the Mobile Weapon's cockpit. Under the system's influence, Alfimi was almost undefeatable in battle, capable of
supersonic speeds and lightning-fast reaction speed, and struck terror into the hearts of her Lord's enemies, her mind carefully altered and stabilized by the system.

At the climactic battle of DOME, the ex-Chancellor ran afoul of her nemesis Louis Terrin and his G-3
Saviour. Though statistically superior, the Raven ultimately lost in combat to Terrin on account of it's pilot's instability finally overriding the system's own efforts. Battered and beaten, the Raven was recovered from Lunar orbit by Exegesis, who had come to observe the climactic battle taking place. As the cataclysm struck, Alfimi Elwren was barely conscious, and being torn from her mechanical shell into the
care of her newfound allies.

Under the patient care of Exegesis, Alfimi was able to slowly recover her lost memories over the course of a year, living a fairly happy and plain existence within their ranks despite the fiery apocalypse raining down around them. This changed once she recovered her memories of Sentradas, and she abruptly left their care one year after entering it, sharing the cybernetic body of Sara Janovsky, to take revenge on the man she believed had wronged her. Arriving at Sentradas' base, Alfimi wasted no time in finding the would-be world-conqueror and confronted him. After a brief, but emotional conversation, the ex-Chancellor fatally shot her former lover, and fled into the world beyond whilst he lay dying, taking with her a gift of sorts from the Hexenhammer.

...What happened after that is unknown to most, though what is certain is that Alfimi (under the guise of Sara) worked tirelessly, in at least some capacity with the Hexenhammer to create the foundations of the Central Earth Union, a faction dedicated to accomplishing Sentradas' goal of universal unification. For over twenty years she labored to bring the group to fruition, and was ultimately responsible for most of the Union's actions over the course of it's life.

Alfimi took an active role behind the scenes with the creation of the Zeit Unit, a small taskforce within the Union formed to deal with matters of internal security, that operated much in the same way as the Black Guard. She also supervised the construction of the space-fortress Libra, meant to be a trump card against Jovian and Colonial invasion, and pave the way to domination of outer space by the Union through intimidation of the Colonies.

She was also involved with the integration of Kathryn Langley into the Ultimate Gundam, though the extent of her professional involvement, and how much of it was influenced by a personal vendetta against the woman, is unknown at present. What is known is that she developed a more refined form of Ultimate Gundam Cells, capable of restoring individuals to their prime conditions, and expanding their lifespans. She successfully tested their implementation on the recently revived Francis Maxwell after his induction into the Union, and sent a second sample to the Hexenhammer. Whether any further samples exist is, presently, unknown.

Alfimi kidnapped and attempted to bring Kit Langley under her thumb - perceived "repossessions" for the loss of her own body due to Kat's previous interference. However, the attempt backfired during a physical altercation, with the psychic parasite Constantine being transferred from her to a newer, fresher host in Kit. Recovering from the initial shock, Alfimi took the young girl under her wing, planning to shape her into a perfect tool for her own use, but was interrupted by the arrival of a rescue party. Finding the captee had now turned against them, a bitter struggle took place in which the base was utterly destroyed by the deployment of the Cyclops System.

Atariel Evermoore, her faithful right hand, was caught and brought to the edge of death by the explosion. Alfimi, who recovered the body, determined not to lose her, subjected the unstable woman to the RAVEN System, recreating Atariel as her own perfectly loyal subordinate, whom she coined "Mockingbird". Over the course of the next year, she would be accompanied by Kit, and frustrated with her inability to control her, sent her to a seemingly out of the way assignment as a guard for the space fortress Libra, assigning Mockingbird to keep an eye on the increasingly volatile girl while she pursued other interests.

Catastrophe struck when the Libra was turned on the populace below at Kit's behest, killing thousands in the disaster of Munich. Kit managed to slip through Mockingbird's fingers, and Alfimi was left with nobody to hold accountable for the massacre, only able to swear she would destroy the young girl upon their next meeting, and chase her to the ends of the Earth.

The resulting weeks saw the woman meet with multiple setbacks, and grappling with a newfound weakness in that the loss of Constantine had, effectively, defanged her - and enabled her superego, long suppressed, to return emergent, to plague her with guilt over her past actions. In the depths of despair, she spoke briefly with a Hexenhammer operative (secretly Sentradas in disguise) over rising brain activity in the entombed Kathryn Langley, and the appearance of a new Jacobin. Sentradas, in his kindness, left her a ticket to visit the Galapagos Islands, where she was acquainted with a young man named Celadon, and given a much needed vacation.

However, her momentary relaxation was cut short upon her return when she visited a dig site owned by the Judas Confederation, and encountered a trio of mysterious, seemingly alien mobile suits that proceeded to disable her with a crushing psychic attack, ultimately leading her to fall into the hands of the Confederation, accidentally exposing her identity in the process. She was rescued in due time by Emet Asher, who at the time was nothing more than an ambitious nobody who had risen quickly through the ranks. She also acquired one of the alien mobile suits, the Reginas, for herself, and resolved to unravel the mystery of the machine's origins before embarking once more.

The next test of the woman's character, and the one that would shape the next few years of her life, came at Mecca. Having located Kit Langley, Alfimi, Mockingbird, and Priscus cornered Kit and Schwarzer Ritter at the site of the Ultimate Gundam... Only to be confronted with a new Jacobin, who effortlessly defeated Asher, and fought Alfimi to a standstill. The Jacobin, seemingly with insight that permitted him access to her deepest secrets, decreed that he would return to judge her in the future. Left with little choice, Alfimi chose to flee, leaving Mockingbird behind, an action that would have dire consequences in the future.

When the Judas Confederation resurfaced to expose her identity to the world, Alfimi's reaction was first to flee to the Breakers... But, seemingly finding only a note and no sign of salvation, quickly disbanded her elite unit, opting instead to flee capture rather than stand trial. Seeking the power necessary to combat her pursuers, Alfimi returned to the dig site, where a mysterious nanite-colony was unearthed before her eyes. However, results transpired that the colony activated and attacked, nearly consuming Alfimi in its rampage, only for her to be saved by the intervention of Sara, who seized control of their body from her occupant.

Following the damage from the event, Alfimi opted to return to Archeon and be split from Sara, under whose constant watch she had begun to chafe. The two spent a brief amount of time together at Archeon, where Alfimi learned of Sara's attempted suicide in her absence, which had a remarkable effect on her. Having previously seen Sara as cold, dispassionate, and generally something of a bore, she was surprised to learn of how deeply she cared, and resolved to protect the woman from what she saw as a world hostile to the both of them, as well as those that would attempt to take advantage of them.

The two returned to Earth in the Gyrfalcon, Alfimi now seeking to undo the wrongs she had inflicted upon others, discover the identity of the new Jacobin, and continue fighting for Sentradas' ideals, even if cast from the shadow of the Union. Unfortunately, while attempting to retrieve any files of use from her personal dwelling, she was intercepted and forced into a battle with her former subordinate, Emet Asher - Now known as Priscus Nox, Warmaster of the Union. Alfimi attempted to handle Priscus without Sara's help, and was roundly defeated, left to die in the frozen mountains by a victorious Nox.

Alfimi was recovered by Lauren Clark, and the secretive organization Ambra Sestinas, who, taking an interest in her storied history as one of the Union's founding members, nursed her back to health. As thanks for their aid, she joined their ranks... Although not with ulterior motive, planning to take advantage of Ambra Sestinas powerful technology to not only work from the shadows, but give her an edge against her various enemies.

It's been over a year now since Alfimi and Sara joined the Ambra Sestinas organization, and they have worked tirelessly in the backdrop to bring it to the fore. Now, as agents of Ambra Mechanica, they look to craft a public persona for the organization, all the while pursuing their own goals as well.

While Alfimi's heart has softened over the course of the year, especially towards her blonde counterpart, the fires of ambition and purpose still smother inside her, burning away. Even in spite of countless setbacks and defeats, she marches forward tirelessly, shoulders squared, eyes set on that brilliant point of light that always seems just on the horizon, where her Lord's glorious future will become reality, and her seemingly unshakeable faith will be rewarded...

Mobile Weapons:

Prototype Mobile Weapon: GGS-000 Phoenix Zero

Mass Production Mobile Weapons List: None

Ship: Gyrfalcon (Shared with Jadzi)

Isaac Gaius
Outis of Siarnaq


Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:16 pm
Reserved for other PC stuff.


Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:23 pm
Major NPCs/Groups:


Faustine Blanchfleur
Casimir Ashkelon
Wendell the Wanderer
Luceria Exedine
Grand Archon Rudio Alma Magister

Hyperlight Industries
Casimir's Raiders
The Marked

Posthumous Characters:
Alsace Circio
Emeka Amadi

Plot Listings

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:32 pm
Personal Storylines:

Fimi [s]and Sara fun[\s] times.

Virtual Insanity:
Isaac Plot

Overarching Plots:

Infinitas (R Side)
The Jerkobin Returns

The Eye of Providence Part II: Terminal Pressure
Marked plot.

Days Of Old
Casimir and Leth.

All Into One Part II: Photon Dreams
Wendell/Turn A/ Hyperlight stuff.

Atop Mount Olympus

Concluded Plots:
Newtype Flux: The White Ghost
Ghost plot.

A New Humanity - The Man In the Moon
Circio Plot.

PC Technical Information

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:33 pm
Alfimi Technical Info goes here.


Model number: GGS-000
Code name: Phoenix Zero
Unit type: reconstructed general purpose mobile suit
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 19.4 meters
Weight: max gross weight 70.3 metric tons
Armor materials: gundarium alloy/super-ceramic composite on movable frame
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating ~9000 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters, output rating ~365,560 kg
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration ~5.2 G
Equipment and design features: sensors, range ~70 km

Fixed armaments:
- 2 x MMI-M19L 14mm dual machine gun, fire-linked, mounted in head;
- 2 x MA-M02G "Super Lacero" beam saber, stored in calves;
- 4 x M108 "Sarisa" mega beam cannon, mounted on shoulders
Optional hand armaments:
- 2 x MA-M23PZ "Arcus" high-energy beam rifle, combine-able into mega beam launcher


To be added later:

Phoenix Zero One

A Phoenix Zero refitted with feedback and technical help from Hyperlight Industries. Its remaining placeholder parts have been omitted, and stability has been broadly improved. Alfimi Elwren's hijacked Neo Gundam was badly damaged from the attack by the DeathBlitz - and as an unmarked machine, invited unfortunate questions from authorities. It was ultimately torn down and some of its components used in the upgrade process.

The cockpit is integrated with Neo-Psycommu taken from the Neo Gundam, modified to work better with Alfimi's own mechanical construction, though there are apparently still some compatibility issues to be worked out.

Its multipurpose silos have been armed with specially designed Feather DRAGOON Missiles from Hyperlight.

Technical Information

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:33 pm
Isaac technical info goes here.

Technical Information

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:34 pm
Outis Technical Information goes here


Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:21 am
by voodoc2


Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 10:29 am
by voodoc2


Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:11 am
by voodoc2


Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:12 am
by voodoc2


Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:13 am
by voodoc2


Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:14 am
by voodoc2


Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:16 am
by voodoc2


Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:17 am
by voodoc2


Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:18 am
by voodoc2


Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:19 am
by voodoc2


Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:20 am
by voodoc2


Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:21 am
by voodoc2