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•Spacenoid Propoganda
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Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:50 pm
by ZeonDad
"Hello, we are broadcasting live from an undisclosed location, deep within a hidden bunker somewhere on a space colony that doesn't exist, that most of you have never seen, never heard of, except for what the Boogeyman tells you. This is Dr. Jones, and this is another broadcast for you, the common man, the working man, the man just trying to survive and provide for your family. Well I'm here to tell you today, once again, that there's a better way ladies and gentlemen. There's a better life out there for you, than what the lies the Union has cooked up for you. Much like the North Koreans, that is what you've all become. Slaves to the machine. Slaves to something that's lied to you for most of your lives, that's led you to believe there's nothing out there but lies and deceit and a post apocalyptic nightmare scenario. But that's not the truth. You see, the Commonwealth is here for you. Yes, that's right, we are here to help you. To help you rebuild your life and prosper."

"I am a seeker of truth. I'm a seeker of knowledge. We're under attack here folks, day after day after day. These people don't give a damn about you or me, about our lives or our children. They don't care about any of it. They're above us, they're beyond us. They need us to be nice and docile and compliant to oil and grease their sick and twisted machine!"

"Well I'm tired of being weak! I'm tired of being abused! If this is the goddamn end times, and let me tell you that it is, then I'll be damned if I let some genetically modified crossdressing lady boy tell me how to think and feel! I just won't do it!"

"These Union slugs want you to think they're in control. They need you to think they're the masters! They want us to think the weight of the world is just crashing down on our heads, and the only way we're gonna save ourselves is to wait in another breadline. Wait in another damn government line, tune into another broadcast and believe all their fantastic lies."

"We have a responsibility to hold these people accountable. These people who've never been held accountable in their lives for anything. They've transcended morality. They're operating on another playing field. Doing things that don't make sense to us. Experimentation. Scientific manipulation. But we're good people. We're better than that, and we're going to stop them."

"Today I'll single out another individual responsible for the destruction of the human race. Responsible for the crumbling and destruction of the hopes and dreams, and integrity, and good values we need to return to humanity to it's rightful place. This sick son of a bitch has no place among us. Schwartzer Ritter, you've escaped justice for too long, far too long you filth. Look at you! You're nothing compared to the power of the human spirit! You're nothing compared to the untapped well of power we have in our possession!"

"All the people you've hurt and lives you've destroyed with your meddling, we will make that our power to destroy you! You've spent years, decades, injecting your poison into society like a virus. You're a disease! We will eradicate you! Delete! Delete! Delete! We'll dispose of you just like you've disposed of all our little lives, oh yes you'll taste every bit of it you slime."

"We're comin' for ya! Uunhh! We're comin' for you soon! Each of us are the catalyst for change in this life. We're all going to be in control of our own destinies once again. We're going to snuff you out. We're gonna stop this cycle of destruction and stomach churning death spiral you operate today! We're going to take back our lives back from your machine! Person by person! Piece by piece! Aaaarrrrrgh!"

"Step one is we need to take up arms! We need to wipe these metahuman zombies in power from the face of the Earth! Rise up and commit to doing one deed today. Even if it's only one. But make that deed happen! Trample a Union thug! Bomb a factory! Kill some sick bastard that's draining the life force from you and your family! Bring the Union to it's knees until they beg for mercy, but we won't have any mercy for them! Where was the mercy when you were raping all of us?! Where was the mercy when you condemned all of us to die at the feeding trough?! I'm telling you folks! Pick up a weapon! Do your part against this terrible, awful machine, and kick some ass! Help is on it's way. The Commonwealth hasn't abandoned you! Just fight the good fight, and before you know it, we will come from the sky, and deliver you from evil!"

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:38 pm
by Omni
The sunlight beamed down through the windows into the large open kitchen space Schwarzer Ritter was sitting at, enjoying a simple breakfast of ham and eggs with a piping hot cup of black coffee. The low chattering of the television was the only background noise in the large French estate he had appropriated from the former Union Warmaster, interrupted every few seconds by the clanking of metal utensils on porcelain dishware. It wasn't long before the morning was interrupted by the familiar vibration coming from his smartphone.

Pushing his plate aside, Ritter reached for the device and the screen illuminated with a new alert, apparently the Union network had flagged his name for mentions, and somebody was talking about him. Ritter tapped the alert on the display and was taken aback as he saw the screaming blowhard yelling about all sorts of issues that were supposedly plaguing the Union. He began taking a sip of his coffee to wash down the food still in his mouth before he saw what the alert was all about.

"Today I'll single out another individual responsible for the destruction of the human race. Responsible for the crumbling and destruction of the hopes and dreams, and integrity, and good values we need to return to humanity to it's rightful place. This sick son of a bitch has no place among us. Schwartzer Ritter, you've escaped justice for too long, far too long you filth. Look at you! You're nothing compared to the power of the human spirit! You're nothing compared to the untapped well of power we have in our possession!"

He spit a blizzard of black coffee and bits of food all over the marble table, followed by a short chuckle.

"The dumbass can't even get my name right..." He muttered to himself as Dr. Jones finished his loud incomprehensible rant. Without wasting a moment, he messaged Union Intelligence about the new mouthpiece of dissent. If his comments about inspiring action against citizens of the Union were real, then this man was advocating for actual full blown war between the two dominant Earth Sphere parties. "Maybe I should just challenge him to some sort of honour-bound duel to settle this."

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:04 pm
by ZeonDad
“I probably shouldn’t taunt so much. They’re going to take me out. But I’m not a coward! I’m not a sick coward! I won’t choose evil like the vampire potbellied goblins that run your lives! Mister Ritter, you are a slug! You’re a slug that runs Earth and you want to destroy humanity!”

The radio host yelled with rage as he audibly pounded the microphone with his fist.

“You think you can censor the things you’ve done? You think you’re untouchable like the Union black ops teams that exterminate people, rape the women and children, and destroy society!? You think you can monopolize the life extending technology for yourself at the expense of the common man? We’re at war with the world government that admits it wants to destroy humanity! Ritter, you’re in the cult! You traitorous little rat! Dirtbag! Traitor! Enemy! Parasite! Slug! We’re coming to take everything you got! There are bigger devils than you! We have justice and liberty and unlimited power - AAHHHH!”

The sounds of equipment being thrown and destroyed alongside the hate filled screams of the host dominated the broadcast.

“I’m looking at a picture of you Ritter; look at how soft you are! Soulless! There’s nothing in your eyes. I guarantee you. I’ve see this face before. It’s the face of a bully, the kind of bullies I’ve seen all my life. I know you staged those terror attacks! You commit evil! You’re part of an evil system! You’re another indoctrinated zombie with a modicum of power you authoritarian!”

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:27 pm
by Omni
Ritter had turned away for a moment. Wanting to ignore all the baseless allegations as nothing but rhetoric being used to try and rile up a small group of extremists to take action. He had seen it time and time again as people choose to believe the facts they wanted to. Then, the supposed Doctor had mentioned the terror attack at Caelin Hill, and a nerve was struck deep inside of him. He looked back at the screen to see a number scrawling across the bottom asking viewers to call in to the show and voice their opinions. He could hear Dr. Jones taking calls now, defending the baseless positions and claims with the fervor only a true fanatic could take.

His fingers tapped across the screen as the display quickly switched to an audio feed and indicated the line to the show was connecting. Ritter eventually got through to a producer on the show, asking for his name for Dr. Jones to use on-air. There was no need to hide when his name was already being dragged through the mud. He also wouldn't let the legacy of everything Madalen worked towards be tainted by some lunatic with access to a camera and a microphone.

"This is Schwarzer Ritter."

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:26 am
by ZeonDad
The host let out a chuckle as he decided against dumping the call, choosing to let “Ritter” speak his mind. He didn’t even pause to consider how he’d gotten past the call screener.

“Wow! Wow, is it really you? Is it really you, Mister Ritter!? Oh my God!” he mocked, interspersing his fake veneration with whimpers and cries. “Let me just set my chair aside and kneel before you! I’ll kneel just like you want us too. Please don’t feed my family to the little green men in charge! Please don’t take away their lives in the slave grids. It’s all they’ve ever known!”

The man’s crocodile tears turned to laughter and bravado as he mustered the “courage” to speak to Ritter, his “superior”.

“Listen up moron, I’m glad you called. I really am. I can’t believe someone would be stupid enough to do this, but I’m glad. You think I would fall for your garbage? I know they’re listening in. I know they’ve been monitoring me. I know I’m in the crosshairs for telling the truth, for not believing the lies, and breaking the conditioning, you slug!”

The host clapped his hands in celebration as he decided to allow the man the opportunity to speak. Good for ratings, and maybe a laugh, if nothing else.

“I’m an honorable man. My father raised me right. He always said, ‘Rex, R.J., life is nothing but the discourse of humanity,’ he said, so go ahead. Go ahead and spew your garbage Mister Ritter, let’s hear what you have to say.”

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 10:38 pm
by Omni
Ritter couldn't help but smirk as he listened to the madman's ranting through the phone. The even more amusing part was about how his allegations weren't even entirely false. There wasn't any sort of alien shadow government pulling the strings from behind a curtain, but whatever Madalen had been caught up in was no doubt considered alien to most people. Even Ritter himself had been saved by the alien Turn A Gundam. Of course, this was something that wasn't known by the general population, nor would it ever be.

"I first off want to let you know that we're only monitoring your call to see who decided to give your voice a venue to spew this kind of garbage. It's funny to me that apparently the good men and women behind the Union are all being controlled by 'little green men' when you're nothing more than a mouth piece of Lance Screamer. Spewing anti-Union rhetoric when the nations are grieving over the loss of their beloved Chancellor!" Ritter could feel his body getting heated as the events ran through his mind again and again. He took a small pause and a deep breath before continuing.

"I was there by her side when the terrorists attacked our peaceful capitol. A group who hails from the Colonies chose to assassinate her during a peaceful speech. This same group using child soldiers to achieve their goal. Is this what peace is to people like you? The murder of political rivals and slaughter of countless of innocent lives working to protect their fellow citizens? You have no honour. I wasn't even raised by my own father and I still have better morals than you. You're just another clown hiding behind words because he's incapable of any real action. You will never defeat the human spirit. You will never defeat the Earth. You will never win."

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:46 pm
by ZeonDad
Dr. Jones gave another deep chuckle into his microphone that slowly morphed into outright ridicule as the man who claimed to be Ritter continued. He was clearly deluded, but the numbers climbed in real-time, and the host was going to keep it that way.

“Do you really expect me to believe any of that garbage? I don’t speak for anybody. I’m a straight shooter, I’ve always been a straight shooter, and I think you need a reality check, Schwarzer.” Rex clicked his tongue in disgust as Ritter concluded his false statements. He could hardly contain himself to let the man finish.

“Here’s a newsflash, scumbag! You and your little terrorist friends got what you all deserved! I will always stand up for what’s right! You can’t handle the truth, and the truth is that the Union is corrupt garbage controlled by people who we’ll never see. Disgusting, truly disgusting individuals such as yourself. You think you have hatred and disdain for us common people?”

Rex roared talking points and rhetoric away into his microphone, banging both hands against the desktop for dramatic effect. “You’re nothing compared to the hatred I have for you sick, you make me sick, you people! Slavers! Murderers! Pedophiles! Troglodytes! The Union celebrates transhumanist scum. You celebrate everything sick, and twisted, and evil that’s come out of humanities darkest hour! I have seen true goodness, and I have seen pure evil, and you and all of your Union cohorts and cronies, and your soy-based masters, you’re evil! You’re evil; you’re puppets of the Devil! You’re who we blame because Earth is dead! You killed it! You murdered the planet, you crushed and subjugated ninety-nine percent of humanity and we’re the final one percent and even still you can’t let it go. You just can’t let even a single one of be free to live our lives and be at peace. It’s sickening. The need for control you people have. Disgusting!”

Pig like snorts and exaggerated squeals of womanly cries permeated the airwaves.

“I’m done with you, you’re absolute garbage! You rotting piece of human excrement! We’re standing up to you! We’re fighting back! We’re the last sliver of humanity left in these times and we will stand and die on our feet! We’ll die on our feet and never on our backs as your slaves! The Union is dead! Long live the Commonwealth!”

“Give this guy another minute or two, and then line me up for that guy from the office of transitional assistance,” Rex told his producer once he’d killed his mic. Truth be told, this guy was good. Maybe he even was Ritter; it was fun to consider it. The host took a deep breathe and then prepared to continue as he let ‘Ritter’ have his say…

Far elsewhere, the monitored transmissions of every broadcast and commercial passed through the ears of special intelligence officers. More than one had picked up on this particular instance, and it was already being routed up the chain of command, verifying authenticity, focused for key words and speech patterns. Every threat had to be taken seriously in the colonies, where life was more fragile. Things had to be controlled, for the betterment of all. In one particular place, a long dark-haired and pale man leaned forward to consider the voice he heard, squinting in concentration as he matched it to the same voice from a broadcast he’d heard many, many years prior.

“Another rat who almost escaped the bucket,” he hummed, before leaning back momentarily and then forwards again to dial into the phone at his desk. “I want everything you have on the caller to Rex’s broadcast delivered to me in the next ten minutes.” The man was well aware that time was of the essence if he was to make the most of such an incredible opportunity.

“Schwarzer Ritter, I’m gonna kill you…”

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 10:30 pm
by Omni
Ritter clenched his free hand as he listened to the Doctor go on and on, his knuckles whitening as he felt then tension crawl up his arm. It was infuriating to try and reason with a brick wall like this. This was a form of propaganda unlike anything the veteran had seen or heard before. Even in during the great wars of the Solar Era he didn't recall Sentradas setting up radio shows attempting to fear monger and smear lies among citizens. Was the Commonwealth actually trying to ramp up tensions while the Union was working to find a new Chancellor? Even the loss of someone like Priscus Nox was a massive blow to the Union's war machine. Even still, Schwarzer Ritter would decide to try.

"No, Dr. Jones." Ritter began, his voice becoming notably heated as he continued on. "You're completely wrong. People like me didn't damage the Earth, people like me work and work to give her enough strength for humanity. Transhumanist scum like myself have embraced our evolution and role in our world, as we have now for hundreds of years. Newtypes, Oldtypes, Coordinators, Ki Fighters, all of us will continue to work to keep our Earth safe. Maybe if you could open your mind, you'd be able to understand these sorts of things."

Ritter shift himself in his seat and smiled at that last quip.

"But I'll tell you what. I don't care about that right now. Do you want to know what I care about? I want to see the Chancellor's murderers brought to justice. I want to see the King of Hearts, Warren Biggs and his cohorts brought before the Union to pay for his crime of assassinating the Chancellor. Let this be a warning. We will not rest until justice is delivered." Ritter finished up. He reached for the table once again and took a sip of coffee to quench his now dry throat. He had made himself heard today, and hopefully even Warren Biggs would hear the threat. Even the memory of Biggs' face was enough to make Ritter see nothing but red.

"I'll take my leave now, Doctor. If you're ever Earth-side, look me up. We can settle this face to face."

Ritter immediately hung up the phone, taking no time to bother to see if Dr. Jones would bother throwing more insults in his direction. He took a deep sigh before throwing the device at the nearest wall, the impact of the electronics echoing throughout the empty mansion as it burst into a torrent of plastic and metal.

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:47 am
by ZeonDad
Weeks later, when thoughts of the conversation had all but faded into memory, an overstuffed business envelope arrived at Schwarzer Ritter’s door. Its contents, a sleek black portable video game console with an analog stick and shoulder buttons, and a miniature compact disk encased in plastic, were addressed to Ritter personally. There was no name or return address, although a signature had been requested upon receipt.

Regrettably, no games were installed, and the accompanying diskette only held a brief prerecorded message. If Ritter were to play it, a familiar face might appear on the tiny handheld screen. The man looked worn down and tired, his voice giving the hint of a somewhat disheveled and hurried messenger. The background was loud, a hurried bustle of medical technicians.

“It’s me. I need help. Meet me. I’ll explain everything.”

The image of Kou Chun winced as he reached forward and ended the recording.

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:13 am
by Omni
Ritter had almost entirely forgot about the radio show when a Union postal worker showed up at his door with a package marked for him. The confused look on his face as he was handed the nondescript envelope even causing the worker to speak up as they passed it along.

"Nothing bad showed up when it was processed, so it shouldn't be some sort of letter bomb." They remarked. Ritter wasn't sure if this was a joke, or an honest answer.

"Thanks." Ritter replied as he signed a small console presented to him and took the package under his arm before closing the door as the postal worker said goodbye and went on their way.

Back inside the mansion, Ritter immediately head for the den area, seating himself on the nearest couch and placing the envelope on the wooden table at his feet. He took a moment to inspect it, no return address, no markings asides from the postage and the address carrying his name. It was a rare occasion Ritter actually had a physical address to send mail to. The rest of the envelope just seemed to be your ordinary packing, nothing abnormal about it. It seemed to carry some weight to it, meaning there was obviously more than just papers inside. There was no point in building suspense for just himself by waiting to open it, so he immediately tore into the envelope by tearing off one of the sides, ripping open a large hole for Ritter to reach inside of.

An inquisitive look washed across Ritter's face as his hand slid the portable video game console from the envelope and held it in his hands. He then look inside of the envelope, and extracted the small disk from inside of it. Obviously the disk was meant for the portable console, but what could it be? Ritter took a moment to press the buttons of the console and move the joysticks around, to his surprise everything felt like it was in full working condition, the console was in mint condition. He flipped it around a few times before finding the power switch and sliding it to the 'power' option. It lit up with a quick splash screen, so Ritter took the CD and inserted it into the slot. A quick whirr and buzz sounded as the optical drive began reading the data, and the game began to load.

“It’s me. I need help. Meet me. I’ll explain everything.”

Ritter nearly dropped the game console then and there as he heard the words and looked at the face upon the screen.

"Kou?" He asked aloud as he pressed button after button trying to rewind the footage and pause it just to make sure. He had that face and voice Ritter could never forget. Kou Chun had been his best friend for years, maybe even the first person Ritter truly felt love towards. He owed that man everything, he was the person that showed Ritter he could walk his own path in life. But this couldn't be the real Kou. Ritter could remember when he felt Kou die during the final days of the Solar Era. This couldn't be his Kou, yet he was still curious about this message. It didn't look like it was doctored, and it's not like Ritter could remember hearing about a Kou Chun cloning program in the Republic being active, especially when Lance Screamer was the one in power. What could be the worst outcome?

Ritter decided he would look in to the matter, but first he made sure to send the game console for inspection. He needed to find out who was behind this.

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 6:12 am
by voodoc2

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 11:11 am
by voodoc2

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:14 am
by voodoc2

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:15 am
by voodoc2

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:16 am
by voodoc2

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:17 am
by voodoc2

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:18 am
by voodoc2

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:19 am
by voodoc2

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:21 am
by voodoc2

Re: Spacenoid Propoganda

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:22 am
by voodoc2